Blizzard Banning Players Exploiting Reputation

Yet again you fail to answer the question. Do you think a player should be banned because they weren’t ‘watching their back’?

I did, you may have missed it. I do think they are susceptible to being banned, yea.

Should they? Idk. I feel like its asking if somebody who gets robbed of their gold from a scammer should not get their gold reimbursed.

Do i think it’s harsh? Sure. A harsh lesson. Deserved? Maybe not in some more innocent cases, and to be honest the ban system is imperfect.

Thats one of the first things i said. So, its inherently a bit flawed. No system is perfect. Hence why im harping on being aware to avoid misunderstandings.

I even make sure all of my addons are not automated in any fashion at all. I mean i have never been banned. I must be doing somw kind of magical kung fu huh.

Cool this killed like almost 2 hours of being at my job. So for that, I thank you.

That’s just wild to be man. You are literally advocating for innocent people to be banned. People who have not taken a single intentionally bad action. You’re literally saying “guilty until proven innocent” is ok. The presumption of innocence is a fundamental principle in first world countries. We have no common ground to make if you are that detatched.


the only people that should of been banned are people that actually hit renowned 25 for the hero crests unlock. cause those are the people that methodically setup their accounts and turn in’s in a way to do so.

i can guarantee there is not 1 single person that played 2 accounts and got past 20 renowned just from casual leveling and not even knowing or paying attention to their renowned. these people should of had a roll back at best.

i was one of those people. i always play 2 accounts for extra chances at rares / mounts / pets etc… and when i finished ahn’kahet i was around renowned 16. and i was around renowned 12-14 with all the other factions. so it did not seem like nothing out of the ordinary.

and to get hit by this is just absurd. anyone that was 25 knowingly spamming this renowned? yes suspended. anyone that casually leveled on 2+ accounts and only went 10-20? roll back at the most. too many… way way too many got hit by this just by playing the game.


yeh, should have been 1 raid lockout period.

No, thats not advocating at all. Im giving a solution to a problem.

I said its an imperfect system, and Blizz likely know’s theres some friendy fire that will take place. Again, this is why I blame the exploiters more than Blizz, because they put Blizz in a situation where they had to do something, and in their imperfect ban system, some people will inevitably get caught in the crossfire. Even though i already expressed i think most people complaining are actually guilty and not telling the truth.

Like it or hate it. It is what it is. That’s how i feel about it, so its optimal to adapt rather than claim injustice here.

You are victim blaming. This is THE DEFINITION of victim blaming. “Well, you wouldn’t get banned if you just did x y z to prevent it!”. That is super, super gross.

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No im not blaming victims. Im giving solutions lol.

You can word it however you want. You are saying the banned innocent people (the victims) should have done x y z to prevent being banned. That is the definition of victim blaming.


I think they should pay attention yea.

You’re a gross person. Can’t believe I wasted my time talking to such a twisted individual. Reply all you want, I’m not opening this thread again and I’d block you if I could.

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Lol, ok,nice talking to you too.

Don’t worry, it was “carefully reviewed”

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Then you farmed spiders or whatever it was. They didn’t just ban people for nothing. If you had 14 and up you were exploiting it. Clearly

Nope. I posted my full story above. Sorry that reality doesn’t line up with your pre-conceived notions, but Blizzard is not infallible.

Yeah keep playing the victim card and crying about victim blaming. You got busted. Take it like a man and move on with your life.

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I’ll post my story again for your benefit. If your only response is “you’re a liar”, then you’re not actually here for a discussion, are you?:

I had two wow accounts. My second account only has a level 1 gnome that sits in SW for auctions. That account doesn’t even have TWW. I only have one max level character, only one character that did TWW quests. The moment I hit 80, my second wow account was logged in nearly 24/7 for posting auctions. I do not look at my exact renown numbers before and after turning in every quest. I have no idea how quickly Blizzard intended for Threads renown to grow, but mine is 18 and I never once had a feeling that was improper. What, exactly, should I have done differently?

this just simply isnt true, because i have only 1 account. i have only 1 toon thats level 80 my 4 alts are 40, 50,60,70 which i just boosted every xpac. i dont even play them. im only rank 14 with spiders through doing campaign and killing rares. yet i copped the 4 day ban as well.

Iv opened 2 tickets and i got a response of “you know what you did” and “any further tickets you submit will be ignored.”
blizzard just simply do not care if your innocent or not.

It costs Blizzard nothing, and according to both Liquid’s and Echo’s GMs each of those guilds makes multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars across the entire race.

It sets records on Twitch every time it rolls around, typically making the entire WoW category clock in at multiple hundreds of thousands of viewers at peak hours. A lot of people watch it, even if it isn’t the majority.

And pointless if the rep is not rolled back.

No it’s not and it never has been.

The only thing they allowed was sharing your account with one minor child and even then they’ll tell you it’s better to just get them their own account.

So your married guildies are not innocent.

This is flat out impossible.

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