Blizzard Banning Players Exploiting Reputation

How often are you pressing U to look at your reputation panel? Every 2 minutes? Are you checking all 100+ reps or just the ones in your current zone? When completing a world quest gives you rep with 4 factions at once are you checking each of their bars against your spreadsheet? This is an absurd notion.


I will break down all the flaws in this post. First, you’re saying it’s a “good idea” to be aware. Sure, I won’t ‘disagree’ with that. The question isn’t whether it’s a “good idea”. Should a player be banned because they aren’t paying extra attention to their gains? No.

Next, your scenario about mining 20 pieces of ore is completely unrelated since #1: when mining you see the ore pop up on your screen in an inventory window before it goes into your invetory. #2: if you saw 10 ore enter your inventory, but in reality the amount has increased by 20, you wouldn’t know unless you were looking at your inventory every time you loot. #3: If I was mining ore at the beginning of a new expansion, and received 20 ore, I would not for one single second consider it was a bug. I would think there’s some gameplay interaction giving me more ore than I normally receive.

Finally, we are talking about not knowing how much ‘currency’ you receive that isn’t nominally displayed on your screen but that you would have to go out of your way to keep track of the exact numbers.

None of your arguments are logical. You are simping so hard for this faceless company, for no reason, and having a default position that every single player other than you is a liar. That is simply sad.


That’s a very gross position to have. Why do you feel the need to get enjoyment out of the misfortune of others? Might be time for some self-reflection.

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Honestly? I don’t. I get enjoyment out of riling someone up who’s coming off a little too snooty.

Multiboxxing and timing turn in to double dip rewards that are supposed to be onetime warband rewards.

I bought Early Access and even took days off so I could enjoy the game. I never received double reputation. I’m sitting around Reputation 10-11 with all major factions, and would probably be more around Reputation 13 if I had played harder. Can’t imagine anyone being at 18.

By the way, the exploit involved multi-boxing in Azj-Kahet specifically. No one accidentally earned so much reputation they were suspended. The knew what they were doing.

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AKA trolling, ok cool.

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This is not the case for many players.

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I agree with #1, i don’t think you’re quite comprehending what im saying.

I said its a good idea to be aware to watch your own back. The analogy isnt meant to be a 1 to 1 perfect resemblence. That’s why its an analogy. It’s similar in essense. While not having evwry detail perfectly aligned.

I think at this point we can agree to disagree. Getting called “simping for blizz” is not where i want to go in this debate.

You can think im wrong, and i can think youre wrong, and we should probably just end it there.

You say that like it’s an insult. Two can play that game. Nice pirate get-up.

Not an insult, just good to be clear I can ignore anything you say since it’s insincere.

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This is how i understand it too.

This is a lesson, I think. You’re making a lot of assumptions based on a tone your have in your head.

I told you I was going to play your game, which I made into you complimenting me, although you really didn’t. Then I in turn complimented you, and also made it sound like I wasn’t being nice. When in fact I do like that pirate outfit. I have it. I have a lot of the pirate stuff, which is why I am no longer welcome in booty bay. tyvm.

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But it doesn’t actually matter here whether it’s a good idea to watch your own back, does it? Should a player be banned because they weren’t watching their own back?

You know, when somebody offers a truce, its a good idea to take it.

Unless you want to argue more??? We’re not getting anywhere so lets call it quits.

Unless you want to talk about something else? The weather is pretty nice here in NY. Solid 75 and breezy. How are the high seas these days anyway?

I mean we’re not getting anywhere because you won’t address the actual points and bring up irrelevant things. If this is how any conversation with you is expected to go, then yeah.

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You watch your own back by not multi-boxing in Azj-Kahet. It’s not hard.

If you grew up in an environment where it was unsafe to trust anyone, then yeah, it probably makes sense why you would just assume by default everyone is lying to you. But you can also probably understand that this isn’t normal.

Ive been extremely fair, and polite, sooo…saying just because i disagree with you that its flawed is not a good take.

Im starting to think you like me.

I wasn’t multiboxing in Azj-Kahet. I was on two accounts, not in a party. One was in SW posting auctions.

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