Blizzard Banning Players Exploiting Reputation

The pieces of the set, and their financial poistion has nothing to do with the opinion. It’s just that i find it more likely people attempted to cheat, and then would lie about it.

In your specific case. I think a red flag should have popped up when your rep got to those levels.

Hypothetically, if you’re saying the truth. Then it sucks, i do have sympathy, and i would say almost certainly Blizz knows some innocents will go down with the ban hammer.

This is why i blame the cheaters more than Blizz. They’re the ones that caused this. If it was mostly just an unintended bug, then i think they’d just roll it back with no punishments.

Yo i’ll take 4 days off for max renown though, where do i sign up for that?

Sorry but this just doesn’t make sense. How could I possibly know what my renown level is ‘supposed’ to be? And even if I did, how could I possibly have known what was giving me extra rep?

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You didn’t know you were getting boosted rep? If i started getting double the currency of something. Yes, id question it.

Technically, nobody told me anything in that scenario, but id still suspect something. Its like defensive driving. Just because a light is green, does not mean some idiot in a crossroad isnt going to ignore a red and smash into you.

I don’t look at my exact renown levels before and after every quest turn in, so again, how would I know I was receiving “double”?

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Also the solution there is what? If I DID notice it, I just…stop playing the game until I figure it out??

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Well, you probably should know what you’re getting. I dont look at the rep every quest either, but the chat box tells me how much I get and I pay attention. If I was completing a quest for 1500 rep, and i get 3k, Yea, thats obvious.

They should be banned for life but only got 4 days big whoop…its Method they do this all the time with new expansions and keep getting away with it with only a few days ban now…

So your answer is that I should know a) how much a quest is nominally giving me b) exactly how much rep I have before turning in a quest c) pay attention to the chat box every time I turn in a quest and make sure the numbers I’m seeing match with a) and d) that is in unexpected behavior? That is a LOT of assumptions and none of it is logical for an average player. If you sit there and scrutinize every reward you get from every quest, that’s great. But for you to sit there and argue that this is something every player should be doing in order so they don’t get banned, is insane.

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Also, again, even IF they did ALL of the above, their response to that scenario is to either instantly know HOW they’re receiving double rep and put a stop to it, or to just stop playing the game until they receive a response from a ticket?

I wouldn’t use the word scrutinize personally. Being aware of it i said is a good idea.

I used the green light analogy, because the point is just following the rules does not guarantee you will just be safe. You have to be aware of bad drivers to avoid a problem. Theres many drivers who cheat the rules all day.

Being aware will let you see if the quest reward says 2500k rep, and you get 5k that something is amiss.

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You keep talking in circles and fail to acknowledge that it’s possible for somebody to play the game without paying attention to their exact rep numbers. Until you acknowledge that, you have no logical argument.

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Your argument is even more crazy when you consider the fact that we’re only talking about rep now because that’s the specific scenario we’re in. But for a player to completely avoid any possibility of being banned by unwittingly participating in an exploit, they would have to, at all times, have a clear expectation of the game response for -everything-.

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Do you have multiple accounts or are you just assuming that it actually displays like that? It’s still the same 2500 rep in your chat in that scenario it just counted more than once. Should people be keeping a spreadsheet of their reputation menu and rep intake after every quest, world quest, rare and treasure to spot anomalies when no other faction has this problem?

Not to mention you can turn off rep messages in chat and many addons just omit details like that from quest text for immersion.

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This is pure comedy.

This was a so great. Thanks for posting this. I always wondered how they track that.

No, i didnt say that. Im saying being aware is a good idea. I acknowledge people are unaware of whats going. I just think its a more susceptible possition to be in. Its not ideal imo. Im not going to deny that fact to say people who have no idea how much currency they get is a good thing.

If i was mining, and i get 20 pieces of ore all of a sudden. Im thinking something is off.

If you’re argument is that you have no idea how much currency you get, in WoW, a game that is primarily a numbers game in so many ways. Yea i just dont think thays a good look. Thats a vulnerable position to be in, and a position i frankly don’t even believe.

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Yeah, totally funny that innocent people get to miss out on the first raid week of the expansion.


We see eye to eye!

Yea thats even more of a red flag for me. If the numbers are normal, and my rep bar is way ahead of it.

Being more aware is a good idea. I don’t know how somebody refutes that. Im not saying people should be punished for that. Im saying being aware is a good idea.