Blizzard Banning Players Exploiting Reputation

Good, they should ban people for exploiting. Next time I truly hope they throw the book at them and make an example by banning them right at the start of mythic but this is acceptable as a warning shot.

There is an emblem that lets you craft high ilvl gear at the end of the track (I think ilvl 618 or something), Iā€™m sure thatā€™s what intentional exploiters were targeting.


Ok. But what I am asking you is are these viewers tuning in for that event or the daily viewing of the streamer hosts?

Are these viewers not watching usually?

Soā€¦That doesnā€™t make sense. The whole reason people were able to gain faster rep was by having another account group with them. Multi boxing essentially. If youā€™re 3-4 levels above the average, and not grouped with another personal account. Something is amissing from this picture.

Nothing against casual players, but the sort of sweaty tryhard that would go to this effort to get a couple pieces of early champion gear, missing out on a vault that would have significantly better itemsā€¦ THAT would be funny. :slight_smile:

I have told you the whole story. There is no point arguing over whether Iā€™m lying or not. My renown is 18, and if thatā€™s too high, then itā€™s somehow due to just being logged in to multiple accounts. Maybe thereā€™s some weird specific piece thatā€™s missing, I wonā€™t know unless I get a response to my appeal that has actual info in it. Either way, Iā€™ve had to spend $65 to buy a new account so I can raid with my friends today. Luckily, they are true bros and helped boost me a lot last night.

Agree. I donā€™t give a S about MDI, world first, any of that eSport Sheet that ruining this game.

Yea, Evilspite, I just donā€™t know if I can believe that, and I donā€™t want to argue as well.

On a positive note youā€™re outfit is looking dashing though. Anyways sorry you had to spend extra money, and I hope you get back up to snuff quickly for your raiding.

Grouping has no interaction with warbound reputation or any of the issues with this banwave. Having multiple accounts is enough, so long as they are logged in.

It is just weird so many people are fervently taking the side of a faceless multinational vs that of real players in your community. Why is your default stance to believe that Blizzard can do no wrong and that the players are lying to you?

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iā€™m in the similar situation with you except iā€™m not login to other account now iā€™m at renown 17
also the time iā€™m group with other are just for beleā€™s spawn

4 days is LOL.

It should be at least 4 years.

You vastly overestimated RWF.

Very minority of player base cares about it, even less players watch it.

It does not bring in any money, but cost money.

Should be a perma ban period

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Good job Blizz, 4 days may be a light punishment, unless they took away the ill gotten rep and any rewards that came with it.

Isnā€™t sharing an account with someone explicitly against the ToS anyway? Even if itā€™s a child/youā€™re a guardian.

Edit: Looked it up since it looks like itā€™s changed with the recent updates. EULA has removed the explicit ability to share an account with a minor, and itā€™s also against the EULA to use the platform at all under the age of 13, even with consent of a guardian. EULA states:

ā€œChildren under 13 may not utilize an Account, the Platform, nor enter into this Agreement even with the consent of a parent or legal guardian. Account users 13 or older but under 18 or the age of majority where they live (a ā€œChildā€) must review this Agreement and the Privacy Policy together with your parent or guardian. If you are the parent or legal guardian of an Account user who is a Child, you also agree to be bound by this Agreement on the Childā€™s behalf.ā€

when you create an account:

  1. select a unique username and password (collectively referred to hereunder as ā€œLogin Informationā€). You may not use your real name as the password for the Account, and you cannot share the Account or the Login Information with anyone, unless the terms of this Agreement allow it.

So even sharing your password is directly against the EULA.

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i believe you. i am in the same boat. got early access on 2 accounts on the same bnet. zerged through the entire campaign with windowed mode. leveled to 80. now that the dust has settled my threads renowned is a few levels higher than my other 3 renowned factions. but like you i did not exploit. i just leveled through it unknowingly gaining that rep.

i did not grind anythiing nor did i repeat anything. just did quests until 80 and lefted the zones and geared up in dungeons. fast forward to last night. banned.

just from these forums, reddit and discord, there are many many many many people in the same boat as us. are there actual people that exploited the crap out of this? yes. there were streamers even from method that were streaming this crap from what i seen today.

but way to many people got the rug pulled from under them just because they were playing 2 accounts. shame on blizzard tbh.

Itā€™s another case of Blizzard setting the rules, aka programming the g-damn game the way they did, and players following the rules. Then Blizzard realizing theyā€™re bad at what they do and punishing the players for their ineptitude.

Players who are on the lookout for ways to min-max their play.

Players who know that if they donā€™t take advantage when they can, and other players do, they may fall behind.

Not sure how you can blame the players, when you never know how Blizzard will resolve the mistakes they introduced in the first place. And Blizzard historically handles these sorts of things very poorly. These top tier players have to risk taking advantage anywhere they can.

But people here on the forums will want them banned permanently because they didnā€™t get to take advantage of the problem.


So the game creators mess up and fail in the game design code or whatever it was and the player gets banned. Yup not surprised.

Maybe the designers/coders/devs need a 4 day ban to wake them up.


World first guilds were exploiting it. Of course they didnā€™t do more than slap on the wrist.

If it had been getting exploited by streamers as well, would have just been a hotfix.

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