Blizzard banning BG afkers?

And this is where the world goes upside down. Every little thing needs to be spelled-out or else “it’s not breaking the rules”.

This is a team vs team competitive event. The entire idea of it is that if one side works together then the entire team reaps rewards. By going in and doing nothing you are:

  • Causing your side to get less rewards.
  • Piggybacking on the efforts of others and diminishing them since teamwork is multiplied by cooperation.
  • Taking spots from people who actually want to play the BG.
  • Causing your side to lose more, driving less people to want to participate.
  • Increasing queues for the other side as people quit playing the BG over frustration.

Even if the rules against AFK aren’t written in stone they are obviously still there. You can report people for being AFK and they will be removed. If being AFK was part of the game that wouldn’t be in there.

The problem is that Blizzard isn’t doing enough to combat the AFKers so the problem isn’t being dealt with stringently enough.


Did you just admit to this??

You sir, are a coward


You can’t move forward by denying your past. You have to recognize what you did wrong so you can avoid doing it in the future.

But, feel free to pretend you’ve never made mistakes if it makes you feel better.


Funny story, my “I Quit” thread was closed an hour ago with no notification to me.


You sir, are a philosopher.


Yep, that’s been happening lately. If you aren’t going to fix stuff and people still complain then the next step is to censor the complaints.

I’ve seen it increasingly happen on the forums here. After ending participation in BG the next step is to end participation in the forums and then the game entirely.

I’m currently shopping for a game/company that seems to be more involved.


That’s dumb. That thread was fine outside of the one troll trying to get a rise out of you, especially in comparison to all the other AV threads that are just giant messes.


That’s pretty insane.

I wasn’t even complaining.

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Ahh, but you dared to talk openly about your change in play style due to the issues. That’s as good as complaining, it brings the problems to light and we can’t have that!

The Emperor has no clothes…

So off went the Emperor in procession under his splendid canopy. Everyone in the streets and the windows said, “Oh, how fine are the Emperor’s new clothes! Don’t they fit him to perfection? And see his long train!” Nobody would confess that he couldn’t see anything, for that would prove him either unfit for his position, or a fool. No costume the Emperor had worn before was ever such a complete success.

“But he hasn’t got anything on,” a little child said.

“Did you ever hear such innocent prattle?” said its father. And one person whispered to another what the child had said, “He hasn’t anything on. A child says he hasn’t anything on.”

“But he hasn’t got anything on!” the whole town cried out at last.

The Emperor shivered, for he suspected they were right. But he thought, “This procession has got to go on.” So he walked more proudly than ever, as his noblemen held high the train that wasn’t there at all.


Think I’mma submit a ticket and see what they say.


It takes me less than a minute to get up and run grab something to drink, or run and take a whizz quick.
And i’d probably wait till i died to do it.

People sit in the cave and randomly hop around and cast heals on themselves, while watching netflix or some at work etc using RDP, to cancel the debuff and prevent their toon from self flagging as AFK.

But they are not actually participating.

That is purposely ruining someone else’s game, with no attempt at all not to ruin it.

BG is a group affair, not a solo adventure, you need to actively participate, or you need to get out, that simple.

RL stuff happens?
Sorry guys RL happened, gotta go.
And exit the BG.

Personally, i’d laugh if they got a 7 day punt, and stripped of all honor, rank, rep, and BG gear after being observed as consistently non participatory.


I successfully disputed a forum suspension with a ticket, really surprised me since many game companies don’t really review forum actions at all. They should at least be able to give you the reason it was closed since no one else decided to give you info. I mean, if it broke the rules, you should probably know how so you can avoid it in the future, right?

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They have.

As for a ban wave, nothing has been seen or heard…yet. But you never know.


Being afk is not bannable. Botting is though.

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“nobody has ever been banned for going afk in wow. your friend is a fool”

This is correct.

My friend just told me Jimmy has cooties.

Well, Bernie would back the AFKers and Trump the BoTers, since one is welfare and the other is cheating :wink:

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People getting banned for no reason?

No. It’s really just a legal tactic to make it basically impossible for you dispute a ban if Blizzard is convinced you’re worthy of a ban. Obviously they’re not going to intentionally ban people willy nilly. That’s not profitable.

But they could.

Yes, it does need to be spelled out. If I’m AFK because I have an issue going on, or simply got up to use the restroom I don’t deserve a 6 month ban. AFK is a player issue, as I said, and deserves a player solution. If you notice the same person AFK every game, report them afk. They go byebye.

Botting is the only thing that deserves a ban.

I seriously hope you find one and take your “ooooh people don’t take the game as seriously as me so they should be banned” attitude with you

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Are the Botters there legally?

If not “they gotta go”


Somewhere AOC would cry.