citation needed.

20 years of inaction = not actionable, because you don’t get to decide what is cheating and what isn’t cheating.

it’s not just me though. it’s literally everyone. no one has been punished and blizzard hasn’t changed it. so far, the only person saying it’s cheating is you. and why should we take what you say over what blizzard does?

Blizzard decided, when they defined exploits. The only reason you’re even passionate about it is, it benefits you.

“Its not just me though” There are plenty of people who think its cheating, and they voice their beliefs on here every day, and are drowned out by level 3 forum alts who want to farm as much honor as they can from their cheats.

we both know 90% of blue posts are gone, But its been posted here before. But we also both know you’re going to take this as some sign of victory.

Literally anyone NOT abusing/benefiting from the system defines it as cheating. Trust a drug addict to defend his drug though.

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blizzard punishes and removes exploits, neither of which happened here. your interpretation of an exploit does not trump blizzard’s.

and the only reason you’re even passionate about it is because you are unwilling to put in the same effort as everyone else.

and the only people that matter, blizzard, do not think it’s cheating. there are plenty of people that think the earth is flat, that doesn’t mean they should be listened to.

yup, i knew you wouldnt be able to give me a citation because it doesnt exist and you made it up.

And yet, blizzard doesn’t. is it blizzard’s game or is it yours?

Honestly, not going to keep doing this with a level 12 on a hidden profile, Flagged for trolling and moving on. I’ve already had this exact same argument in the Premade AV thread, feel free to read up there.

Why would they ban the thing that gets most people into PvP?

why would i read that if it’s more of the same? your argument doesn’t work. blizzard defines what cheating is, it’s their game.

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They should make premade grouping easier and make fighting other premades guaranteed.

Except not all BG’s are 40man. So if you queue 40 man you can’t get Ashran. If you queue 35 you can get all of them. + a random party of 5.

Solo-Q could be put in their own EBG bracket, but that would mess up the queue times.

If Blizzard already puts premade against each other, it means that they’re putting partied players in the same game. Whether there is a countdown or not. It is more likely the premade party will get put in the same battleground.

They might even put parties of 2-3-4 in the pool. In every battleground queue there will be people who grouped together. There is no escaping people playing together.

There is no magical exploit being abused. Only the game mechanics work in this clunky way and mixes solo queuers with party people to keep the queue time low.

The only solutions are this below all applied together.
Account-Wide deserter
Queue dodging = deserter
Cross-Faction player pool


If blizzard is going to do it, they should do exactly what they did with twinks, make it easier to setup (turn off exp) and then seperate them from the players who dont wanna play with that garbage, You wanna que with a group of more than 5? Youre limited to queues with only people like-minded.


see it’s really that shrimple

nice n quick fixes that also improve the health of the game

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stop that.

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unrated bgs don’t matter ive been told so why hasn’t this post been reported for trolling yet?

no u

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1 Like'Thuzad/Gwiyomi

0/10 unoriginal. Uninspired . hm the hair is not doing it for me . That staff is as bland as i cant say those words here unfortunately . Gurl my goodness you should be using the knee high black boots to cover that grey . The belt is boring do better . The top covers too much still shame . I mean i guess i can see what you were going for here ? …Would have chosen a different helm tho tbh , its not serving the look for this . Yeah im going to go with just bland plain and boring . Sorry you dont qualify as egirl enough sadly . Try again . Like a hot mess on the catwalk .


Casual pvp don’t matter? then why do people make premades for casual BGs? Oh yea, to comp stomp people that are trying to get gear and to have a sense of accomplishment.

Whoever said unrated bgs don’t matter is most likely an elitist and their opinion is irrelevant.

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You don’t think there’s people out there who… enjoy epic battleground format?


But unrated bgs DONT matter lol it’s a stepping stone at best to get gear and you’ll occasionally be roflstomped it sucks get over it q with friends or don’t if you’re lonely like me and just move forward with your life lmao

who was that lizard last night then…

Unfortunately most of my friends are… ew… alliance players.