Either ban premades of make them queue with other premades, ppl cant handle it anymore…
shrimple solution: cross faction queues
There is a solo queue mode coming up pretty soon.
Ban folks that /afk from battlegrounds too.
8v8s with modified bg maps, not exactly what 40v40 or 15v15 gamers are looking for when they ask for premades to be addressed
Not at the epics level, no. But I believe this new mode will eliminate a lot of the concerns about premades in general.
they wont ban them because this is an mmo . LOL ppl like to play with friends go make some !
r u calling me a grilled shrimp
bouta show u some of that heat…
Communities =/= friends
Blizzard should add matchmaking and crossfaction. Lost one? Get put against other people who lost their last game, last two games and so on, until you win.
Edit: actually it’s going to make it even worse potentially, because of loss trading.
matchmaking rules like this only serve to slow the queues down for 0 effect i promise u that crossfaction alone will not only make premading SUBSTANTIALLY difficult, it’ll speed up queues a ton
not my problem
how about no thats awful might aswell just give out full pvp gear sets too . liek come on now .
No, you keep saying “shrimply” thus the , lol.
Yeah i know i’m weird. I can stop with that emoji tho.
Coming up with the new solo queue.
u do u qt no need
Ban premades, add ilvl brackets for bgs, fix leveling bg exploits
So long as Ion works for blizz, blizz will never implement ilvl brackets. Ion is in record stating you should be able to and also feel good about defeating a lower ilvl player purely because they are lower ilvl. Segregating players based on ilvl would run counter to his preferred gameplay.
Ion doesn’t play the game anymore, opinion irrelevant.
I think adding an ilvl bracket is a tiny bit silly of an idea so what if you get a bg where youre roflstomped just accept the loss and q up for more thats it no need for change lmao