
There’s no such a thing.

Ok fine like 2 of those goofballs exist but still it’s like 2 maybe 3 people max that are this silly

Pretty sure I’m real.

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im not saying i would do that, im just saying it will happen. some people are hardcore factionists.

Don’t lie.

I can be spicy when i wanna be :3

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In reality, if a team circumvents a restriction and gains an advantage over other teams in a competition, what is it called?

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Rating someone’s appearance in a video game, or anywhere else, should be done respectfully and without objectifying or demeaning language. It’s important to remember that characters in video games are fictional and designed by artists and developers. It’s also important to recognize that judgments about appearances can be subjective and vary from person to person.

It’s best to focus on the qualities and characteristics of a video game character that contribute to the overall gaming experience, such as their role in the story, their abilities, or their development as a character. Making judgments based solely on a character’s appearance can be superficial and miss the depth and complexity that many well-designed characters possess.

“I’d rather not make judgments about a character’s appearance in the game. I’m more interested in discussing other aspects of the game, like its story, gameplay, or overall design.”

“I believe it’s more important to focus on the game’s mechanics, storyline, and character development rather than their appearance.”

“I prefer to appreciate video game characters for their role in the story and their abilities, rather than making judgments about their appearance.”

“It’s not my style to critique a character’s looks in a video game. Let’s talk about the game’s features or any other aspect you’d like to discuss.”

Once upon a time, in a distant galaxy, there lived a peculiar creature known as the “Space Goat.” This space-faring species was unlike any other in the cosmos, possessing a set of characteristics that made it both fascinating and mildly annoying to those who encountered it.

Space Goats were known for their vivid, kaleidoscopic fur, which shimmered in a dazzling array of colors. They also had an extraordinary affinity for navigating wormholes, which made them the undisputed champions of interstellar travel.

However, their adventures were often accompanied by a curious habit - they were extremely inquisitive and had an insatiable curiosity about everything they encountered. This often led them to be rather annoying to fellow space travelers.

One day, a renowned intergalactic explorer named Captain Zara set out on a mission to map the uncharted regions of the cosmos. Little did she know that her journey would lead her to a fateful encounter with a particularly exuberant Space Goat named “Ziggy.”

Ziggy was an unusually colorful Space Goat, with fur that shifted through every color in the spectrum. As Captain Zara’s spaceship exited a wormhole, Ziggy suddenly appeared in her cabin, bouncing around with enthusiasm. Ziggy’s presence was impossible to ignore, and he immediately began inspecting every button, lever, and display panel on the ship.

“Wow, what does this shiny button do?” Ziggy asked, pressing a button that activated the ship’s emergency alarm. Red lights flashed, sirens blared, and Captain Zara tried desperately to regain control of her ship.

Over the next few days, Ziggy’s curiosity and boundless energy created chaos on the spaceship. He opened the airlock, accidentally ejected some vital equipment into the void of space, and even turned the ship’s food replicator into a continuous stream of fruit-flavored jello.

Despite Ziggy’s annoying tendencies, Captain Zara found it impossible to stay mad at the charming and colorful Space Goat. As they navigated the cosmos together, she realized that Ziggy’s inquisitiveness and enthusiasm added a unique and exciting dimension to her exploration.

In the end, Captain Zara and Ziggy became an unlikely but inseparable team of explorers. Ziggy’s antics might have been annoying at times, but they also brought joy and unpredictability to their adventures, reminding them both that even in the vastness of space, a little mischief and curiosity can make the journey all the more memorable.

Can u chatgpt me next

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spicy like a fire mage main sadly

Jokes on you, even on my ALT mage, i dont play fire.

Once upon a time in a realm far beyond our own, there lived a princess named Lysandra. She was not just an ordinary princess; she was a goddess of the Void, a mysterious and powerful entity that governed the cosmic forces of emptiness and darkness.

Lysandra was no ordinary deity. Despite her immense cosmic powers, she had the appearance of a young, innocent, and incredibly cute princess with sparkling indigo eyes, raven-black hair, and a perpetual aura of cosmic stardust that glimmered around her. Her voice was like the soft hum of distant galaxies, and her laughter sounded like the gentle rustling of constellations.

The kingdom she ruled was known as Celestia, a place where the celestial and earthly realms converged. It was a land of enchantment, with floating islands, luminescent forests, and rivers of liquid stardust. Celestia was a place of unparalleled beauty and serenity, where the boundaries between reality and dreams blurred.

As the goddess of the Void, Lysandra had the power to manipulate the forces of emptiness and darkness, but she used her abilities with compassion and wisdom. She would often use her powers to calm the turbulent storms of the universe, soothing the rage of collapsing stars and preventing the chaotic destruction of cosmic structures.

One day, a great calamity threatened the balance of the cosmos. A rift in the fabric of reality opened, unleashing chaotic energies that threatened to consume everything. Lysandra knew it was her duty to restore order, and she set out on a perilous journey to seal the rift.

With her loyal companions, a constellation wolf named Orion and a starlight fox named Seraphina, Lysandra embarked on her quest. They traveled through celestial forests, braved cosmic storms, and encountered celestial beings from the farthest reaches of the universe. Along the way, they gathered cosmic artifacts and knowledge that would help them in their mission.

As they reached the rift, Lysandra used her powers to harness the forces of the Void. With courage and determination, she sealed the rift, mending the fabric of reality and restoring balance to the cosmos.

The cosmic beings and celestial realms celebrated her heroism, and Lysandra returned to Celestia as a revered goddess, known not only for her powers but for her kindness, wisdom, and the remarkable cuteness that captured the hearts of all who met her.

In her kingdom of enchantment, Lysandra continued to rule as both a benevolent goddess and an adorable princess, reminding all that even the most powerful beings could possess the gentleness of heart and the charm of innocence. And her reign as the goddess of the Void brought peace and harmony to the cosmos, ensuring that darkness and emptiness were not to be feared, but rather embraced as an essential part of the grand tapestry of existence.

Maybe you two can work together to figure out if it will happen or not.

who tf is lysandra

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Elise > Elyse > Elysand > Lysandra.

And what do you mean chatgpt? I don’t know that, I wrote all of it myself.


Makes one post about Ion. Must be obsessed with Ion. Lmao. :crazy_face:

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