Oh karie honey…were you referring to DJL with 0 KBs? So did you vendor your pvp gear yet? That I would love to know.

I see the one that earned the title ‘the disbander’ isn’t terribly smart.

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Just answer my direct question already.

I am not Karie, which is why I am saying you’re not terribly smart. I only know one person by name from DJL which is Torturekilla I think? But no, I was playing on a horde alt doing random bgs to gear an alt.

His Twitter.

It’s talking about people circumventing restrictions to bring in premade raids when premade groups are supposed to be 5 max. It’s unfair to players abiding by the rules.

It’s pretty obvious to everyone else that premade raids are circumventing the size restriction on premade groups in random bgs.


do you have a link?

and we know this is true how?

from 10 years ago

he never says 5 is the max. he says it’s okay to bring 4 and that 39 is probably too much. we have no idea what he thinks of anything between those two numbers.

no where in the rules do it say you are not allowing to do content with friends.

and why hasn’t blizzard done anything then? why did holinka put in “additional measures” last time, 10 years ago, but has done nothing since?

Same reason they let trolls post on classic alts all day trolling the forums I imagine, because they don’t really care to enforce any rules

No one that works at Blizzard in this day and age cares about the game, that’s proven to be true by their actions.

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Well, at least now you know they have done stuff to try to counter premade raids.


well that’s just not true. blizzard does enforce the rules, but only when they are broken. to enforce a rule it must first be broken.

of the specific tweet? i’m not seeing it on his page.

yeah, 10 years ago. why have they not done anything else since then, i wonder?

how did you get access to the tweet in the first place then? how do you know he even tweeted it?

Read his Twitter bio.


RB even confirmed this morning that you’re also known as Karie so that’s fine who cares…

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RB? But I guess that already speaks to their intelligence if they think so. You seem to care a lot, though.

woman you are not playing disc right then

hmmmmm i need proof of this show an egirl some proof plz

tbh i dont think tae is karie she is in karies guild tho , since tae was also in gg while karie was on back when they ran groups tbh

??? whos alts r so so triggered by explain

I saw it its in SAS disc thats still open… its a special place right now lmao

peeeek interesting :eyes: :dracthyr_comfy_sip: im listening i would offer to peek in but a certain someone might get jelly if i made an appearance :smirk:

Here you go. Direct from ChatGPT…
I put them in spoilers, they are a little long.

First story the prompt wrote

In the twilight realm of Outland, where the remnants of a shattered world drifted through the twisting Nether, Elise, a fearless void elf, walked the path of redemption. Her story was one of transformation and power, but she had to fight her own demons before she could take on the enemies that threatened her people.

Elise had once been a blood elf, seduced by the arcane magics of her people, much like her kin. However, her unquenchable thirst for power led her down a dark path, and she found herself ensnared by the void’s shadowy embrace. The transformation from blood elf to void elf had been painful and chaotic, but it had also been liberating. Now, her new powers were her own, and they were stronger than any she had wielded before.

In the ruined city of Shattrath, Elise joined a group of like-minded void elves determined to fight back against the Burning Legion. They called themselves the Void Reclaimers. Their leader, Lirath, was a stern and disciplined master of the void, and he had taken Elise under his wing. Together, they trained to harness the chaotic energies of the void and turn them into weapons against their enemies.

One fateful day, the Void Reclaimers received word of a massive demon incursion in the heart of Outland. Elise and her companions knew they had to act quickly. They mounted their nether-drakes and soared towards the battlefront.

As they arrived, they saw the Legion’s forces stretching for miles, a menacing horde of infernals, felguards, and dreadlords. Elise’s heart pounded with anticipation and fear, but she couldn’t afford to falter. She whispered incantations to the void, summoning dark tendrils of energy that wrapped around her arms like serpents.

The battle erupted in a furious clash of steel, magic, and fire. Elise’s void tendrils lashed out, ensnaring demons and rending their flesh asunder. Lirath stood beside her, commanding the forces of the void with expertise and grace. Together, they became a whirlwind of darkness and destruction.

Elise’s mind was filled with the whispers of the void, guiding her every move. She ducked, twisted, and struck with precision, her void-infused blade cleaving through the demonic ranks. The ground beneath her feet quaked as she unleashed a torrent of shadowy energy, obliterating a group of felguards.

The battle raged on for what felt like an eternity, but Elise and the Void Reclaimers fought with unyielding resolve. The void had given them strength, and they used it to push back the Legion’s forces. With a final, powerful incantation, Elise summoned a vortex of void energy that engulfed a massive pit lord, consuming it in darkness.

As the last demon fell, a moment of silence washed over the battlefield. Elise, her armor splattered with demonic blood, turned to her companions. Their eyes were filled with gratitude and pride. The Void Reclaimers had won the day, but the battle against the Burning Legion was far from over.

Elise knew that she had found her purpose in harnessing the power of the void. Her transformation was no longer a curse but a gift—a gift that she would use to protect her people and bring an end to the Legion’s reign of terror. With the echoes of her victory resonating in her heart, she looked to the future, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in Azeroth.

Another story, but about PvP.

Amid the relentless battlegrounds of Azeroth, Elise, a tenacious discipline priest, embarked on a journey that would test not only her healing prowess but her strategic cunning in player versus player combat. In the world of relentless conflict, she was a beacon of resilience and faith.

Elise had honed her discipline skills through countless skirmishes, where she learned to balance the art of healing and defense in the crucible of PvP. Her journey to mastering her abilities was marked by determination and a fierce dedication to her faction, the Alliance.

One fateful day, Elise received a call to arms. The Horde had challenged the Alliance to a massive battleground, the famous Alterac Valley. The snow-covered battlefield was a warzone, with countless combatants clashing in the name of their respective factions. The Horde, led by a formidable shaman, had the upper hand, and the Alliance was struggling to hold their ground.

Elise rushed to the front lines, her faith unwavering as she prepared for the impending onslaught. Her fingers danced across her holy symbols, casting protective barriers over her fellow Alliance fighters. Her mastery of discipline allowed her to heal her comrades while simultaneously warding off the Horde’s relentless attacks.

The battle raged on, and Elise’s presence was a beacon of hope for her allies. She used her discipline abilities to anticipate the Horde’s moves, predicting their spells and countering with precise defensive spells. Her strategic cunning paid off, as she managed to save her comrades from the brink of defeat time and time again.

As the battle continued, Elise noticed the Horde’s shaman, the architect of their strategy. With a surge of determination, she engaged in a one-on-one duel with the powerful opponent. The shaman’s elemental spells crackled around him, but Elise’s unwavering faith and skill proved to be a match for his destructive powers. In a dramatic climax, she outlasted the shaman, ultimately defeating him and turning the tide of the battle.

With the Horde’s leader defeated, the Alliance rallied, pushing forward with newfound vigor. The tables had turned, and they surged towards victory. The Horde was driven back, and the Alterac Valley belonged to the Alliance once more.

Elise knew that in the arena of player versus player combat, her role as a discipline priest was not just about healing and protecting; it was also about strategy and anticipation. Her unwavering faith and tenacity had led her to victory, and she was ready for the next challenge, ever prepared to defend the Alliance against the relentless forces of the Horde in the ever-evolving world of Warcraft.

It’s probably really bad at lore. I don’t know it well enough to compare.

For anyone who wants to know, I used this prompt:

Write a short story about Elise the void elf in the universe of world of warcraft, beating their enemies in glorious combat.

The second prompt to make the PvP version was:

write this again but in a player versus player setting and Elise is a discipline priest

I thought about adding a reference to someone named Mike, but didn’t think it would be that funny yet.

Yeah premades are ruining random BGs big time, Epics in particular. I queue for 10 Epics, and 8 or 9 will be premades. That’s any random time of day too.

I remember doing this back in BC, and it got old/boring quickly. Blizz did something that killed the addons that made it possible. They just need to do it again.

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Why are people droping real names in here? Or is that just another character name.