Facing premades and getting a whole 0 HKs (For the entire team) all game sure is fun

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It seems like every game is premade on one side, be it Ally or Horde, which is a total stomp on the non-premade side. Can we get some kind of response from Blizzard about their position on this? Is que-syncing allowed in Battlegrounds?

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It isn’t allowed hence why they’ve broken such things before but they don’t care to action most things against the rules in this game, you can see streamers break rules Blizzard set like griefing shuffle but never get actioned

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Oh karie honey…were you referring to DJL with 0 KBs? So did you vendor your pvp gear yet? That I would love to know.

I see the one that earned the title ‘the disbander’ isn’t terribly smart.

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Just answer my direct question already.

I am not Karie, which is why I am saying you’re not terribly smart. I only know one person by name from DJL which is Torturekilla I think? But no, I was playing on a horde alt doing random bgs to gear an alt.

His Twitter.

It’s talking about people circumventing restrictions to bring in premade raids when premade groups are supposed to be 5 max. It’s unfair to players abiding by the rules.

It’s pretty obvious to everyone else that premade raids are circumventing the size restriction on premade groups in random bgs.


do you have a link?

and we know this is true how?

from 10 years ago

he never says 5 is the max. he says it’s okay to bring 4 and that 39 is probably too much. we have no idea what he thinks of anything between those two numbers.

no where in the rules do it say you are not allowing to do content with friends.

and why hasn’t blizzard done anything then? why did holinka put in “additional measures” last time, 10 years ago, but has done nothing since?

Same reason they let trolls post on classic alts all day trolling the forums I imagine, because they don’t really care to enforce any rules

No one that works at Blizzard in this day and age cares about the game, that’s proven to be true by their actions.

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Well, at least now you know they have done stuff to try to counter premade raids.


well that’s just not true. blizzard does enforce the rules, but only when they are broken. to enforce a rule it must first be broken.

of the specific tweet? i’m not seeing it on his page.

yeah, 10 years ago. why have they not done anything else since then, i wonder?

how did you get access to the tweet in the first place then? how do you know he even tweeted it?

Read his Twitter bio.


RB even confirmed this morning that you’re also known as Karie so that’s fine who cares…

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RB? But I guess that already speaks to their intelligence if they think so. You seem to care a lot, though.

woman you are not playing disc right then

hmmmmm i need proof of this show an egirl some proof plz

tbh i dont think tae is karie she is in karies guild tho , since tae was also in gg while karie was on back when they ran groups tbh

??? whos alts r so so triggered by explain

I saw it its in SAS disc thats still open… its a special place right now lmao

peeeek interesting :eyes: :dracthyr_comfy_sip: im listening i would offer to peek in but a certain someone might get jelly if i made an appearance :smirk: