A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

Was tinkering with this idea, I think augmentation evoker can increase multi-cast so a ele shaman with tier set, saltwater, skyfury totem, trinket, aug buffs, and storm keeper should theoretically be able to decimate a 40 man group. Get two or 3 and you’ll probably have a 40 man wipe.

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that sounds so scary omg T_T skskkss


sounds like something a warrior could do too with a auggie.

Yeah but warriors can’t shout “unlimited power” as they blast an entire raid with lightning.


that sounds even more scary T_T

All wins for SPM last night except against the Spacegoats. 18 SPM ran into 39 Spacegoats and lost 0-356

But we did kill Khazix


Dear lord…


MM hunter was specifically designed by Blizz to draw attention away from Druids. Druids are the real threat. They are the key to this game.

It doesn’t matter how good a premade is. Strat doesn’t matter. There are two things to look at in my expert opinion:

  1. number of Druids
    2( always have only*** one more healer than the other team

Jack Daniel’s locker lost miserably in a wargame with us not because of strat. It was because we stacked Druids. We also had one more healer. We also cheated but that’s water under the dame at this pony.



Fieldarmy runs with druids. They melt the other team.

Imagine getting vaporized by the death star laser. It’s exactly like that.


Druids can:

  1. shapeshift. You never know how they look so it throws you off balance.

  2. Rabis. Imaginary threat or silent killer? There could be a rabid Druid right next to you as we speak and you would never even know.

  3. you can mount them

  4. they can mount you - in the form of a tbag after they shred you to pieces

  5. they heal

  6. they tank

  7. the are strong

  8. you can’t kill them. When has one ever died?

  9. they have iron bark

  10. they have spells

  11. they can claw you

  12. they run faster than you and can catch you and kill you and you can’t kill them and they can heal if you touch them

That isn’t a shower? I just stand in it.

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Someone fetch the gnome punting tee…

It would be the same outcome even if y’all had 40 players.

Thank god, I can sleep tonight knowing that im not going to find Khazix under my bed now


It was a good game Plumdazy and I think your prediction is offered with some disingenuity. I think Khazix would die 20 times instead of 7 if you double the SPM to just 36. GG WP

Btw part of me regrets not letting you play in the wargame. Woulda been funny

:rofl::rofl: yeah that warrior is on steroids. Let me in next time, I’m alliance now.

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GG Mizriz and SPM! Definitely a fun match.


glad you got the warrior taking 50% more damage with no stam food buff or stam from talents, it was definetly not 39 goats though, didnt have saltwater potions that game, you got lucky haha, was fun though.

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According to Oca and my own eyes watching the horde load in it absolutely was 39 of y’all

GG Mhoots!

How many was it?

Are people chugging these potions to reach the top of the scoreboard?

When I randomly get them from boxes, I sell them on the AH.

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