Blizzard backtracks on quest unlocks

That’s because EU players lack backbone.

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At least the EU still has the let me show you its features guy. A real menace and engineering smart guy.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

What did I say? Huh?

Thank you Vortimer for posting this as well.

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Its nice for them to confirm. I think the CS rep from europe did us a favor by telling us inaccurate info forcing them to confirm the other way or risk bad publicity right as an expansion launches.

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If you do the quest, you aren’t getting it “for nothing”. You did the quest to get those unlocks. Why should you have to do a singular quest 4-8 times to unlock each appearance it offers?

Nevermind said quest could be 20 quests deep into a campaign chain or something…


I would make everything unlock account wide, let people collect everything they want from old expansions, then do a new Cataclysm, the right way, that blows up Azeroth and makes you start on a new planet, therefore removing access to all previous content and making all your unlocks truly special as noone will ever get any of it ever again unless they play on Classic servers.

One thing we COULD do, since this issue only applies to questing, is do what they did in Remix: Let you BUY the unlocks at the end of an expansion like they did in Remix.

Most expansions ever since WoD employ some sort of “supplies” currency. Put them all up on an NPC, as ensembles, to be purchased with these supplies once you finish the main story campaign of that expansion (for instance, you unlock Threads of Fate in Shadowlands, and can then use Anima to buy all the quested appearances from an NPC).

For expansions previous, I’m sure they could come up with something. Or just use Gold. Like in Wrath, 500g for an ensemble or somecrap. Or use Argent Tournament Tokens.

EDIT: Nevermind, just saw the linked thing above. So apparently it WAS intended that you unlock all that stuff, but the “bug” was that it worked before TWW? Confusing.

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It’s coming in the next patch. Calm down.


Traditionally yes, but you can have waffles whenever…

Mmmm… waffles!

You’ll have to play other classes to get weapon / armor appearances throughout campaign and quests as well.

Would that matter? Are NA players expected to add the eu forums to the list of places to check (except here) for responses?

Sunday. The day people pop off over stuff instead of finding the answers that have already been given because google is hard.

The irony of posting this on a post that predates the confirmations when they date posted is right there.

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So, it’s pretty low on the reliability/believability scales?

Reading timestamps before spewing garbage is hard eh?

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