Blizzard backtracks on quest unlocks

So you tell us in interviews quests will unlock other classes items and now all of a sudden it was a bug? Who is wrong? This needs to be addressed. Why radio silence on the american forums???


You probably shouldn’t believe that datamining and beta behavior is set in stone.


Yea? why are we getting the cold shoulder bliz? What’s so special about the EU or APJ(applejacks)?


Do you think it would be different to the response on the EU forum?


There is an interview with a developer, it is why they said the conversion to warbands would take so long, and it worked on beta.

I think that is AMPLE reason to believe it would work.


Yeah but as wowhead themselves state, Morgan Day’s response on the subject was ambiguous. It’s easy to get from it that he missed what the interviewer was saying about the appearance unlocks. They were talking about all the appearances from a quest unlocking at once, but they never said “at once”.

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Doesn’t sound ambiguous at all to me.

" quest will continue to grant the transmog and should be retroactive"

In response to the quesiton:
“We noticed they were awarding all armor types will it be retroactive”
Quests will continue is acknowledging the armor type and should be retroactive is acknowledging the retro activeness.

Blizz is infact back tracking or the CS person in EU is misinformed.


i find it cute you guys believed them.


No, that wasn’t the question. You’re truncating it to make it sound like a simpler and more direct question than it was. The full question was:
“We noticed in the testing, we would do quests and it would collect all the appearances for all the different armor types but one of the big questions that people are curious about is, is it retroactive to quests that we’ve already done? Will we need to redo loremaster or is that going to be a massive spam of appearances when we log in?”

Day was answering it on the fly, not getting full exact details of what the interviewer wanted to know. But from the wording of the question the emphasis was seemingly about retroactively appearance unlocks. Not about clarifying whether a quest should be giving all armor type appearances at once. And that was how he answered. He focused on the retroactive thing.


It’s a dumb decision if true.


You are over complicating it. lol he obviously answered the question with yes we will get them and yes they will be retroactive.


Okay so there’s a bit of misinformation going on here.

There was a post on the EU Customer Support forums, asking why when they’re doing quests on alts, the appearances aren’t unlocking as Morgan Day said they would. And the CM responding to the thread is saying that it’s a bug.

CMs do NOT have 1 to 1 communication with the developers. So the CM is probably operating off of inaccurate information.

What we know is the following:

  1. Morgan Day said that in the War Within, when you do quests, all appearances will be unlocked regardless of your class and what armor type they use.
  2. On the Beta when people complete quests in War Within zones, all the appearances are being unlocked regardless of what armor type the character is using.
  3. When you collect any item that isn’t class-specific in game, that item now has its appearance unlock, even if you can’t use it.

So with that information in mind, what I believe is happening is this. Yes, quests will unlock all appearances when completed, but this will only happen when doing War Within quests ‘for now’. Much like how not all reputations are account-wide yet and they’ll be added into the new warband system over time, past expansion quests will also have that same functionality added over time.

Blizzard probably has to find a way to get over the massive hurdle which is unlocking appearances for all the quests our accounts have already done. Which is a large undertaking. It’s a lot easier to flag quests we haven’t done (such as War Within quests as the expansion isn’t live yet) to do that, rather than go back and flag past quests, and then figure out how to get those appearances unlocked as well.


“Omg I can’t believe this company with a history of being liars would lie to me”


This is a dumb reply. An official wow dev said this.


yeah they’re supposedly based in the US yet they do this to us… does that mean i won’t unlock the other weapons I don’t pick from quests?

The reason there’s no official word on the US forums is probably because what the EU CM said isn’t accurate.

CMs can send messages up the pipeline to the developers and if the developers respond they can relay information to us on the support forums (or the developers themselves can post) but as far as I can tell, they can’t just poke their heads in to say, Morgan Day’s office and ask him questions whenever they want. Especially since said CMs are in the EU (for the EU support forums), and not operating on US time.

The thing that gets me is that the “bug” was up on beta for literally months, plenty of time for them to drop a line like “hey, this isn’t going to be going live”, which they have done in the past when things go on beta unintentionally.

But I guess this is “intended” just like the broken shaman talents.


Ahh cutting a loved feature that was hyped in beta is blizzard’s bread and butter… they love to do that stuff. Added bonus if it has been communicated badly as well.


This is key. This behaviour, that Blizzard now says was a bug, confirmed what Blizzard said in interviews.

First, Blizzard carved out an exception for class-specific drops (eg from Nighthold, Hellfire Citadel, MC, BWL). Given that tokens are Warbound, I do not understand why this is the hill Blizzard wants to die on while mumbling something about “class fantasy”.

Until Blizzard walks this back we’ll have constant questions from understandably confused players like “why can’t I learn this tmog?”

Second, this change basically walks back the entire feature. Now they could just describe it as “you can learn transmogs for some (but not all) of the previously soulbound items you loot”.

How to turn a W into an L.


I mean, again, and I really have to stress this.

CMs do not have 1 to 1 contact with the developers. Especially EU CMs who operate on EU time, not US time. This is especially true post-Microsoft purchase, because the in house CM teams were heavily gutted thanks to one last punch in the gut by Bobby Kotick so now the role of CM and support is heavily outsourced.

This is a CM talking to a player saying this is a ‘bug’. This is incorrect. When you look at what is happening in the beta right now, it’s obvious this is intended, otherwise it would have been patched out by now (since the beta is a few builds ahead of what we’re currently playing). But it likely only applies to War Within quests, which we can’t do at the moment because the expansion isn’t live yet.