Blizzard backtracks on quest unlocks

It was pretty clear and it was the way it was working on Beta for quite a while. Only until recently did it get backtracked. I don’t think anyone’s mad at Morgan, but at Blizzard for backtracking.


I think it was just a bug Morgan wasn’t familiar with and he didn’t understand the question.

They have bug trackers because there’s lots of bugs, too many for a single person to keep track of. People just liked this bug.

I swear they mentioned this mentioned at last Blizzcon itself, before the interview. I practically was cheering them through the screen. I’m certain it was there.

Usually stuff announced at Blizzcon is true, it would be foolish of them to blatantly lie if they weren’t 100% sure, surely?

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I don’t remember that but feel free to share it if you find it.

I’ll try when I get time. I’ll come back here and provide a timestamp.

Edit: Watching Ion at the Deep Dive now. It wasn’t in "What’s Next’ panel. Morgan mentions Legacy Dungeon/Raid content, renown and currency.

He just mentioned Flight Paths being unlocked just the once for your warband. Is that true now? I haven’t noticed. Still watching lol.

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More incompetence surrounding the development of TWW, color me surprised.

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Sorry, I couldn’t find it. It must’ve been in an interview with a YouTuber/Twitch streamer instead that I watched in passing. No way of knowing which (Mr. GM or Preach or someone).

Dammit, the mind plays tricks. Closest was unlocking the appearances from dungeons/raids on other characters.

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On beta flight paths are unlocked for your warband.

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I genuinely wonder who even uses flight paths anymore… I mean it seems like just about every expansion has flying from the start now

Why the frick would you advertise Warbands as being THE answer to alt-friendliness and advertise that you can unlock transmogs for other equipment types when you do old raids and crap and then slip on a banana peel, backpedal and then go “oh but we couldn’t possibly let you unlock everything if you do a quest that rewards a piece of gear! GO DO IT 8 TIMES AND LIKE IT!”


Like seriously, who made that dumb decision?

Like seriously, I wonder if the developers who make idiotic decisions like this are random hobos they hire off the street, who have zero experience in game design or something…

And I’m pretty sure that the “”“BUG”“” on Beta was some intern coded it that way on purpose because, you know, THAT MAKES SENSE and some senior designer goes “OH NO NO NO change that back!” and now we got Mr. Day going “nope sorry it was a bug.”


Thye indeed are and knowing as such and knowing how this country operates companies like this, you shouldn’t be surprised by any of it .

I suppose the answer is as it’s always has been: Level a Warrior. You should unlock everything except wands and ranged weapons (and I think even ranged weapons will unlock since you theoretically CAN equip them even if there’s no reason to).

Kinda sucks for the people who don’t like warriors, though.

EDIT: Oh, and tier/token pieces too, but those aren’t given by quests and I saw that you can “use” a weapon you can’t equip to unlock its appearance.

Why would the devs want to completely invalidate playing alts to collect things.

Just play the game once on your main and get everything?

In typical Blizzard fashion I think they might have gone from one extreme to the other. Do everything on your alt that you had to do on your main, to no point in playing alts since they got everything done when your main did it.

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Because unlocking appearances isn’t “Gameplay”?

They want you to play whatever character you want to do any certain task, such as going through dungeons, gearing them up, etc.

But when it comes to appearances, it’s nice to be able to make your character look good without having to grind out stuff you already did on another character just to unlock the appearances.

EDIT: They also typically want to avoid repetitiveness where it isn’t necessary… they want you to WANT to do the content because you want to do it, not because you feel forced to. And in past expansions, they made it clear, that the Story should be a once-over type thing unless you WANT to do it again. Forcing you to do it multiple times for appearance unlocks goes against that design. Why do you think they did Threads of Fate in Shadowlands? Because they knew that people wanted to skip story on their alts.


So what’s the game design principle here.

Just give the player everything they think might be nice without playing the game for it?

Don’t think that’s game play either. That’s invalidating it.

From my experience, Customer Service has no idea what’s happening in the game at all.

There’s a difference between aesthetics and player power.

They don’t want to hand you player power – IE gear – you should have to earn that on the character that is getting it. Heck, they are throwing a huge bone with the WBoE equipment tokens and tradeable currency, going way further than I expected them to.

But when it comes to aesthetics, it’s clear that they want you to be able to access that on your alts, because the transmog system is already designed around that, except for the unlocks part. SOME things can be unlocked by SOME characters, such as Warriors can unlock cloth, leather, and mail even though they wear plate. But it’s very inconsistent, but yet they never patched it out despite Transmog being a thing for how long? Wasn’t that introduced in, I wanna, say, Wrath?

And Pet Battles. That’s a purely aesthetic/side questy type thing that is purely account-wide.

So there’s obvious precedent that aesthetics are supposed to be account-wide.

Player Power is not, or at least, it is in very limited quantities with restrictions.

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What you’re trying to say is that any hyped feature could turn out to quietly go away after the beta. That this is a perfectly legitimate way of getting players to buy the expansion based on a promise that was rescinded, and nobody should be upset. Not only should they not be upset, but they should assume that all future promises are lies that represent changes that likely will turn out to be very different from what is promised to players.

Warriors have never been able to unlock cloth transmog.

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Pretty sure they did, I have a TON of crap unlocked for clothies that I know I never quested with an actual cloth wearer, same goes for leather and mail.

I have a LOT of early game questing unlocked with this stuff, that I know I didn’t have any such characters back then.

Positive they didn’t, at least not unless they changed it in the prepatch. I always farmed on a druid and have never seen a cloth item unlocked. And I watched that like a hawk.