Blizzard backtracks on quest unlocks

The hype around this was palpable. They could have easily said it was unintentional. They could have easily said the beta behavior was unintentional. They didn’t. Huge L.


Common blizzard L.


Never believe anything Ion and Co say, unless it comes to their precious Raiding, Mythic+, or beloved Skyriding, anyone who doesn’t appreciate or enjoy those things aren’t worth their time.


Are folks just like… not reading or something?

“Common Blizzard L.”, “Blizzard ruined it.”

Folks, I’ve said it multiple times, CMs are not developers, they do not have 1 to 1 communication with the developers. They will get things wrong.

Like, imagine if you rolled up to the McDonalds drive through and asked the employee there what the management was doing to improve the experience you have there. He’s not going to know, he can take a ‘best guess’ but he’s going to be stumped for accurate information. The manager will know, the owner will know, but the drive through employee won’t.

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Who are you, do you speak for blizzard or something?


Blizzard snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Must be a day that ends in Y.


Problem is we have no way of knowing if the CM is wrong or if Morgan Day is wrong.


I can’t see them ever doing this. There needs to be a reward for playing other classes or else no one will.

You shouldn’t get every reward for doing something once ever.

People would still redo the quest at the appropriate level for gearing their toon. They’d just happen to already have the tmog. It would only affect the people who are going back to get tmog. And no one wants to do zones 8 times, once on each armor class for both factions.

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This is something Blizzard staff have literally said themselves.

CMs are not developers, they don’t have 1 to 1 contact with the developers. The CMs have literally said this in the past.

The wowhead article is doing folks a disservice by not pointing out that the Blizzard staff member saying it’s a bug is a CM. Not a developer. They are wrong. The beta currently has all appearances unlocking when you complete a quest in the War Within. That’s happening right now, with a patch/build further along than the one we’re currently using. Now, think for a moment, if this was a bug, do you really think the beta would still be unlocking all appearances (in line with what Morgan Day said), when live servers can’t, despite the fact that they’re operating on effectively the same patch.


They say a lot of things, enough of 'em turn out to be nonsense for me to qualify it as a common blizzard L.
It’s that shrimple.

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I mean, Morgan Day literally said it was happening.

And it’s happening on the beta.

What is likely the case is that this only applies to quests for the War Within, for now. Quests we can’t do on live servers because the expansion isn’t live yet. The reason it’s not applying to past quests is because Blizzard has to flag every single quest to unlock all the appearances, and find a way to sort out which accounts have done which quests so that those appearances will be unlocked without forcing players to redo all the quests on an alt.

If I am right (and I expect I am, in all honesty), they will likely do ‘backwards compatibility’ with this in the same way they’re doing it with reputations. Right now only War Within and Dragonflight reputations are account-wide and tied to your Warband. All other reputations from Vanilla to Shadowlands are not. Blizzard has said they will add other expansion reps to the warband over time. It’s probably the same thing here.

Everyone’s doing a lot of back and forth about this. I read the article and still got a little confused. So what is the bug? Unlocking all appearances was not intended? Because if that’s so, I am so bummed out. I do not want to do a quest 3-8x just to get every item. Groan.


I doubt there’s a bug at all.

I think this just applies, at least for now, to quests from the War Within, which are quests that people in the beta are doing and appearances are still unlocking for all armor types. We can’t do them because the expansion isn’t live yet.

I see. Well, either way, I’ll be happy or I’ll be disgruntled questing time and time again. I can’t see myself skipping on all of those nice mogs coming up. I’ll just wait and see what’s going on I guess.

The way it specifically marks quests youve done as completed by your warband makes me think the intention is it unlocks everything.

I also believe with how brutal that will be on the servers that it is set to be done after launch to avoid the strain of the prepatch even and the launch traffic


then don’t do it if you aren’t interested in earning the reward and no people would not redo the quest at the appropriate level for gearing their toon because of chromie time.

Yeah, that’s another thing.

Blizzard has set up all the quests in the War Within as ‘Warband Quests’ which only need to be done once to get the primary reward (doing it again on another character grants a different reward). I really can’t see them going: “Oh, you want all the appearances this quest offers despite it being a Warband quest? Do it 3 more times sucker!”

Especially since they’ve made getting appearances from raids, dungeons and the open world completely warband-wide, with the exception of class-specific items. The intention seems to clearly be “We want to make unlocking appearances as painless as we can.” so why would they enable functionality in the beta to unlock all appearances when you do a quest, only to declare it a ‘bug’ on live servers? It makes no sense.

I just tested this, as of 10 seconds ago. It does NOT unlock all appearances when completing a quest on Beta anymore. God this company.


Given the actual structure of his answer it sounds like maybe Morgan was confused about the question and/or felt rushed to give an answer.

People want to hold his feet over the fire for this lemme know where you work so I can show up and fire rounds of questions at you and demand you get fired when you eventually flub one.