Blizzard appreciation - progressive mindset

We are just trying to be helpful, pointing out duplicate threads.

You have a super fantastic day to!


Calling ppl names is not very nice


That really depends, some places do a good thin crust, some places do a good thicker crust. like, if the thin is all super dry then it’s a no-go but if it’s slightly buttery, little bit of snap, that’s okay I guess. Though to me a little bit of fluff but not-too-thick crust? ye, that’s pretty good.

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I didn’t name any names? So you kind of just outed yourself as being one of those people.


Wait. Do we ever hear our characters’ voices?

Also, If this is a troll thread I give you some props for the TLDR op. It takes some dedication to take that much time for a troll post.

Calling anyone names is not nice


Neither is trying to gatekeep LGBT+ content out of a game!

That’s not nice at all! :hushed::grimacing:

I think an old saying is friends help friends troll.

Why are you being mean to me?
I’m trying to be helpful

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Is that mean old Void Troll picking on you?

people don’t play video games to be reminded of reality, they play them to escape reality.

Damit now you are a fox after my own heart… I agree 100%… Ok we cant do this on GD agree… So hmmmmm… Well your mog looks ugly you dirty fox…

I hear my characters voice all the time. It wouldn’t be difficult for Blizzard to allow us to chose between female or male voice lines. Customization shouldn’t have a limit.

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I forgot about emotes, but other than that I don’t think our characters have any voices lines.

Thank you Talonel. You are correct, it’s not right for the lgbt community to be silenced by the few on here. It just shows how important it is to get educated on LGBT issues.

You know, it’s kinda weird replying to your alt on the forums.


Not my alt but please entertain me longer.

Feels that way

I agree with that awesome orc

(My alts are obvious)

Yeah and? I do exactly that gaming helps me escape from my trauma and depression I also never mentioned said topic in the original post but if you’re trying to put across the point I think you are I’d propose a counter argument where we should remove all relationships from video games because they all exist in real life especially the straight ones

Edit: on a side note I also don’t agree with op as like most LGBT people I don’t support rainbow capitalism my identity aka who I am isn’t something for companies to just use for publicity I want equality under the law not to be used as a tool by corporate entities for profit


I think they are RL friends or possibly Tulnn is the BF Talonel says he has .