Blizzard Any Plans For Pride Month?

well that’s incumbent upon you, the parent, to further research the topic and decide for yourself. personally, i would hope that you learn about the history and the struggles behind lgbt acceptance and teach your children the same.

your children will be able to read cat in the hat. they will not be able to read six of dr seuss’s books because they contain racist stereotypes. those books were withdrawn from print by the seuss family themselves. please stop misrepresenting reality.

historically speaking, empires fall either as a result of losing a war (or several wars) or from some kind of revolution, usually sparked when ordinary citizens go hungry while the elite class gets bloated

culture doesn’t really factor into it

that’s the whole problem. y’all don’t care about anything unless it personally affects you. life comes at you fast, though. be careful


No… No thanks.
Don’t need a company do anything for Pride.
Fix the content of the game would be a better investment.

Do your own pride event. STATED this before. Don’t need big daddy Blizz to pander down to us. I think a player made event would be the bees knees.

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Hey, you’re right - kinda like the whole running of the gnomes thing!

Well now I wanna start a planning proposal.
Tbh I don’t really know how to do that safely without people like, trying to co-opt it or ruin iit, but I completely agree. If anyone’s gonna do an event like that well, it’s gonna be us. :relaxed:

At least this time its not that same single poster who slaps down a new topic every single week. At least I think its not, too lazy to check collections

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It’s already been changing regardless. Acceptance of homosexuality in the U.S. is 82% among those under 30, 77% for those 30-49, and 64% for those over 50 - all of which represent significant increases over the last two decades, and place the U.S. among the most accepting societies.

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Oh the homophobic players in this game are absolutely misogynistic as well.

Racist stereotypes ehh? I didn’t see any and neither did anyone else just a few short years ago. I wonder, what happened? Did everyone just suddenly become “woke” or are people just removing anything that may be perceived as racist to save face in case they get accused of racism?

Do you honestly think a drawing of a Chinese man with braided hair means ANYTHING to a child or anyone that hasn’t specifically looked at the reasons it was removed?

Do we really live in a world where it’s okay to play a song about a WAP on the radio but you can’t have a pic of a Chinese man with braided hair? What even is this reality anymore?

Everything is warped and nothing makes sense.

Tell me why children would need to know any of this. Even if I did, do you think they would care? Bottom line, this is a topic that shouldn’t even be in a public school curriculum but in the name of “tolerance” it’s a mandatory subject in several states.

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What is a WAP?

Why are there so many LGBT/Pride threads lately? I don’t have a problem with people being open about who they are, but why is there such a large push for a video game company to go out of their way to recognize them these last few weeks?

Most are troll threads created by the same handful of people who are doing far more damage than good - which is likely their goal.


Songs being sexually explicit aren’t really the same as outdated and stereotypical depictions in a children’s book.

WAP was also heavily censored for radio broadcasts.

Blizzard said Shadowland will be more LGBT inclusive, so i think this is the year where we should push for Pride Month event.

They desire attention. and if they see a reply that isn’t their “cup of tea”


That was a legit question followed by a legit statement.

This whole thread is chum.

Historically speaking the downfall of empires is significantly more complex than that, and typically occurs when an accumulation of structural issues or changes prevent preservation of the empire in the face of natural and/or man-made crises.

Honestly? The threads might’ve been made by trolls, but they’re sticking around because there’s an even larger push against lgbtq subjects - and those of us that are out there are keeping them going either because we’ve got enough fire in our bellies to get into some digital wordplay, or just to spite the people who’d see is quieted.

Sorry about this, for all intents and purposes, you’ve walked into a bit of a turf war!

Do you know who didn’t care about those stereotypical depictions? The Chinese.

It still baffles me, this idea that ‘pride’ was to become anything more than something of vain notion to be celebrated for the acquisition of ones own ACCOMPLISHMENTS, (and often looked upon less than fondly at that, ‘sinful’ even. To being this glorified thing recognized and revered in society, solely due to someone’s accident of birth. :man_shrugging:


(Maybe ask chinese americans about that. Or japanese americans. Or german americans. Pretty sure they’d have a different story to tell during that time.)