Blizzard Any Plans For Pride Month?

Pride month is about two months away, I know that before they have done things like sell pride pins and merchandise. But how about something in-game this time? Like maybe they could make a popular ship canon or add some sort of other LGBT pride content? I think a majority of players would enjoy having such wonderful content added to the game!


LGBT tabard?


That sounds like a wonderful idea! Anything is better than nothing!


the most popular ship cannon is probably a railgun and do you really wanna buy a railgun from blizzard?


Wrathion X Anduin fer pride month.


I’m sure J Allen Brack will make a nice video wearing his finest Blizzard shirt adorned with a rainbow-colored logo.


If its a good price, sure

If I can use WoW gold to buy it? You bet!

What about Genn?

Genn has two kids, he’s not rocking that lifestyle. Now his daughter on the other hand, I think Anduin hinted that she wasn’t interested for “reasons” but it was subtle. If Blizz wanted to do something with her in the vein of LGBT+ there’s at least some ground work laid.


Just a thought

The Everything is coming up Rainbows event.

During this event you will collect rainbow sparkles from enemies under the effect of your Rainbow blaster.

This currency will be used to purchase Rainbow Regalia set from the shop a
Along with few other Items.

Owners of the complete Rainbow Regalia will produce a rainbow effect as they move when the set is being worn. (*note the set has to be worn for the rainbow effect to work.)

Creature of the devouring dark. This Rare boss will have a % drop a rainbow weapon effect. Along with rainbow candy which if eaten will randomly change the color of your characters hair one or more colors of the rainbow. Or the Rainbow tailed, vulpine kit, battle pet.

Well there would be more but Blizzard can figure out the rest.


I imagine they’ll just change the social network profile photos for the pride flag and that’s about it, anything else would be too expensive for current Blizzard, they need to keep saving so the boss can buy some expensive car or a mansion or something



Nisha x Meerah > any other ship.

Edit: Oh wow, the forums allowed me comment twice in a row, it usually tells me to wait for more people to reply lol

i can already see it

“i was kicked for the tabard”
“i was called X wearing the tabard”
“i was kicked from my guild for the tabard”


Are you saying that that’s an issue with the players wearing it?

Because if that’s what’s gonna end up happening, maybe we need this to happen so we can clean out the cupboards a bit.
Personally, the best/worst thing about all these posts is that I now know who to expressly avoid.
These posts aren’t doing anything, but the idea of queer anything being in the game irks the heck out of people. Whatever reason you give, it’s…dumb any which way. Maybe this thing isn’t for ya - doesn’t mean it can’t be in the game. I don’t do pvp, and I’m not gonna get all upset because blizz focuses on a new battleground. It’s more content for people.
So…I dunno. Relax. And if ya can’t, explore that.


On GD the LGBT are pretty much mentioned every week, so at least there’s that even though it can get annoying on both sides i’m sure


I raise you a

Liadrin x valeera :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Liadrin is with Sylgrin.


I do hope Vereesa finds some happiness though, poor girl’s been through enough. I really just wanna see her at peace somewhere, where she won’t have to worry about her kids being in danger or becoming undead/void-touched or anything like that.

Edit: I thought that said Liadrin and Vereesa - i’ve been doing isle of thunder stuff recently.

I’m picturing Anna singing this to Elsa: “Do you wanna buy a railgun?”

You mean Vereesa Windrunner, yeah? And her and Rhonin’s half-elf boys?