Blizzard Any Plans For Pride Month?

Well the grand allure is still blizzard responding positively to the lgbtq community with a holiday.

As a non lgbtq person I tried to come up with some ideas for that.

My response prolly shouldn’t have been tempered with my enjoyment of transphobes being outraged due to their mouth foaming ignorance but I like a company stepping up saying to the lgbtq community: “you’re not wrong, you’re accepted and approved of and we would like to show this in our own way”, this hopefully teaches the transphobes that their way of thinking is outdated and hateful.

And actually if you think about it the only way transphobes will learn anything about something they don’t understand is through that initial conflict of feelings.

Much can be learned from a discussion even if it starts in conflict.


I’m not talking about marriage, I’m talking about a month. A marriage is a celebration and you should be happy about it.

If you get married then by all means celebrate it! My question was why do they need a month…


Because it’s with how people get treated irl. However this is a fantasy game in a fantasy world.

This stuff needs to be kept to real world platforms like FB, Twitter, Instagram and parades and what not.

I don’t see NPCs walking around in game talking about drugs, who they are going to sleep with on the weekend after going to the bar, etc.

Bringing it up on these forums and if it were ever in game is just going to introduce problems as we are seeing here.

I could care less who is with who and who is doing what with whoever. We all have problems that hurt us and hold us back in life and this game for me is one escape from an irl poop show. So, not having real world problems introduced into games is a nice plus.


Short answer: Because we’ve been oppressed for centuries and it’s nice to have a month where the country just recognizes that we exist, that happened, and we’re still fighting it - and that at least in some small way, that fight’s being seen. :frowning:

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It’s all good hun. You did a great job. Go be off tank for a bit.

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POV: You just watched someone call LGBT+ people a “problem”

Yeah, because they bring a subject up on a video game forum. Who do they think is going to say stuff.

This world will never be free from ignorance and hate. Ever. All stuff like this does is make people say it in silence.

The whole world is the problem. Humans no matter what will hate. Doesn’t matter if it’s this or something new. current generations will be hated by future generations and wonder how they could say the things they are saying in these times.

We are all the problem.


/unleashes lions

heres my plan~
good luck everyone!~ :smiley:

To be honest I have given up and have decided since a certain company isn’t shutting down all the spam threads on the topic even when the OPs have been false flagging people saying responses have been actual threats and then having the responses restored . To just let all of the people making these threads have all they want.

If the company thinks virtual signaling for SJW street cred is more important then actually enforcing their ToS for the forums then why should I care any more . I just ask that they implement the stuff the same way they do valor and a lot of other things players ask for .

How the company thinks the players should want it . I mean we want equality don’t we .


“Oh, so it was a joke then?”
Casually she threw aside a large rock

“It’s a joke sir, and it checks out.”

All the memes that just popped into my head right now.
I’m outta likes but yeah. That’s a pride alright.

Im thinking Operah with BEEES! but its blizzard with LIONS!~

It’s ridiculous.

Some of us do. It seems a decent chunk of people don’t want to be equal around here anymore since they think they deserve special stuff.

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That’s pretty much the only reason they don’t lock these threads or ban them.

Seems like they have more rights and privileges than the average poster.


Fam, you can false flag my thread all you like it’s already been restored twice. If you feel that strongly about it just mute my friend, the button is there for you! But keep trying to go on that “Muh spam” rhetoric without knowing what spam is.

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Players would make a huge outrage about how Blizzard hates gays if they started locking these threads or actioning them for spam/obvious trolling. But yeah, I agree with you.

Just know that, could I give it, you would have my like little gnome.

Also girl you are rocking it out here. whatever they say just know that you’re not alone in this tangled loom of threads. :relaxed:

Man, I love how people come in these threads complaining about how they are here. But don’t realize that the best way to make a thread not be talked about is to stop bumping it by posting lel.

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If anyone outside of the group . No actually the 2 major offenders (the 2 characters with names starting with T. If anyone else had false flagged them as making threats against ones life the person flagging them would of already had their ban. I think a certain Panda poster we all know of got forum vacations for less .

So until the Mods are willing to stop virtual signaling I no longer care . But I do hope that if they do get what they want it doesn’t bring the wrath of the community down on those in the LGBT community that just want to play the game and be a part of the over all WoW community and not their own special one.

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There’s better ways than that, tbh.