Blizzard Any Plans For Pride Month?


Like personally I’d love something like the charity event they’ve got going right now - and like…okay going off on a tangent, the overall execution of that? That’s awesome.

Like that? That’s a great way to implement an in-game item related to important causes, and as a way to bind the community together. Like…you’re not getting the pet because you raised money - you’re getting the pet because the WoW community raised money. Because they cared.

Even if it was a little statement though, with a list of charities and foundations to look into, I think that’d be neat. I really don’t need the whole game overflowing with stuff, like…i think the sum of these posts make it out to be. would that be nice? Eh, sure. But I don’t expect it in the slightest. But…a little recognition and acknowledgement? That’d be nice. :relaxed:

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You would be wrong in thinking that.
…and its Sunday.

Anyone in this thread smonk wee???

Would it be disrespectful if they made the prideful affix rainbow colored for the month?

I think that’d be cool but I’m just a regular dude trying my best not to step on toes.

With further thought I’ve realized killing the rainbow prideful would be bad.

Maybe after killing prideful mob the prideful buff is rainbows?

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I…think that would be a little silly. Rather worth a laugh tbh. :joy:

If that’s what we ended up getting, I don’t think I’d mind too much.

Edit: Good addition! Gain rainbows throughout the dungeon!!

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Yeah I think certainly more like a holiday would be rad, maybe a toy to switch gender etc.

All the transphobe mythic plus people getting angry would be just so wonderful and entertaining.

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i would prefer a Sargeras appreciation event to coincide with Walpurgisnacht Night from german folklore

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The M+ community are a cross section of players. They care about 2 things. Timing the keys and IO scores, nothing else. Where did you get the idea they’re homophobic or transphobic?

Homophobes are in all communities.

I’m not saying mythic plus players are specifically homophobic - but the idea I had was specifically for mythic plus, so?

(:grimacing: Looks at the chat logs from numerous dungeons where the go-to insult is “F-----t” or the rare, but still as lip-bitingly cringeworthy, “tr----y loser”. Whenever a tank/dps messes something up. It’s not every time, but it’s enough to make an impact.)

Yeah, no one is going to care about the visual appearance of an affix. The only thing that is going to bug them is if that affix adds time to the run.

Where is talonel when we need him?

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I would agree except for the typical backlash we already see on GD against anything Trans.

Remember the pelagos fiasco when it was first datamined?

That’s the overall hope for something like this! If nobody’s bothered by it, great!!

Also yeah. I’ve got a locked 3000 post thread because I asked people to stop making transphobic threads because there was thee HINT that pelagos was trans. If nothing happens, I’d love it.
But knowing this community? There’ll be some rather outspoken chaps here stuck on the wrong side of victorian england.

“Give me attention”


Thou canst that already do at the barber shop.

If the grand allure of such an act is merely the outrage it would cause a group you disdain, then verily it oughtn’t be pursued in the first place. If thou wishest humanity to attain greater heights, and thereby to elevate likewise the minorities claimest thee to support, 'twould behoove one to act and promote such action as would befit thine ideals.
Rallies, marches and protests whither they are needed, where actual problems exist, those being, rather than useless fluff in an aged video game.

No rainbow tabard or paltry toy can impact legislation, nor can they open a heart to the plight of others, nor can they do aught but serve to signal virtue. Ego-stroking is the only good e’er that has done and will do.

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Why does the LGBTQ community insist on wanting everybody to know who they sleep with behind closed doors?


Why does one need a month to celebrate what they do in the bedroom?

It’s a genuine question.


Why do straight couples get married? Gods you’re just declaring that you sleep with that person to the world! Ugh why does anyone have to hear about it? Shouldn’t that stay in the bedroom?