Blizzard Any Plans For Pride Month?

The game is very imbalanced right now in PVP and PVE, the content patches are delayed and lacking and lots of people are unsubbing not only due to the previous mentioned but they have started a pricing crisis for subscriptions for portions of the player base.

The truth of the matter is they have 0 time to devote to anything else right now, they need to be focused on the core game.


so like, you know those people will always exist right

That’s a very large push. I’d rather try to win them over. Better to make a new ally than estrange an enemy IMO.


Unfortunately yes, doesn’t mean the hate they produce should be tolerated.

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i’ve never even seen the problem you’re talking about

Not if we crush every possible “safe space” those roaches can skitter into! Out, out damn spot!!

It’s like trying to get little kids to eat their veggies - sure you wanna start out nice and friendly, but after they start biting, and continue biting for weeks, you might end up just putting veggies on the plate and leaving it at that. They’ll have to accept it eventually.

I agree wholeheartedly but as Astrien pointed out, some people you will never win over, those who can be taught not to hate based on race gender or sexuality are worth investing time into teaching.

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resistance is futile eh

Too bad everything she said was entirely accurate.


Truth. But, first there’s the fight for awareness. For me, it shouldn’t be in a fantasy game - none of the real world causes or issues.

Accusations at anyone that disagrees, if you are fair, is part of the problem.

Many causes have history. Though the op’s post is very nice this subject is up every three days. I’ve no problem with that; the forum is real world.


Is that your auto response? Everytime. Think about it.

One day, in the far, far future that phrase will no longer be used by any group in any circumstance. Mental illness and alcoholism, for instance, could be ‘my people’ because of the stigma, lack of awareness, educated world, and having to hide it, never admit it, refer to it, or say it out loud unless I’m “with my people.” Yeah, that phrase is loaded - and a slippery slope…


How about no.


They do? So everyone just needs to fall in line and believe, accept, love? No option to believe differently?

LGBT+ has always been a part of the whole, that’s not a big secret. The only change is now it’s on a pedestal screaming at the top of it’s lungs.

The only " people " pushing seem to be separating themselves into a special community that needs representation. It seem a bit of a contradiction when you say " we " are part of the whole yet want " your " community to be recognized. It can’t be both ways.

I have faith that acceptance will come. It will just take time, more time then some can bare. A generation or two maybe, and I know that is not good enough so I do understand the push in society. Unfortunately some will push back, this may slow progress. There may always be some that hate, but that is true on almost all fronts.

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You’ve got a point about my use of that phrase, and I’m sorry about that. It’s certainly got some connotations.
Personally? I used it because I do feel pretty united with queer culture. It’s easy to relate because on some level we’ve all gone through the same experiences - more or less.
And we are stubborn. Kinda relating to Gaahr’s post. The crap we’ve been through? The things we’ve weathered?
Everybody’s got their own stories, but ours tend to line up. Queer teens are targets of abuse more often than not - and sure it’s a problem everywhere, but with this group of people it’s frequent.

And that’s why pride happens. It happens because yeah, we were targeted because we had partners that didn’t fit the norm. But we’re still here. And we’d like that cycle of abuse to stop.

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It’d be interesting to see Thiernax and Qadarin celebrate their marriage sometime during the month. There’s also the two ladies in Darkhaven that are together, and I’m sure there’s representation in Bastion and throughout BfA that I’m missing.


I understand what you’re saying. Truly and for reasons I don’t care to go into will not share publicly.

Has much as I empathize and do what I do in the real world I still believe it should not be in a video game except by osmosis. NPCs & other relationships are already being baked in - that’s enough. The rest is real world - and that includes this forum and why I don’t think these posts should get flagged no matter how many times they are brought up.


No. Keep politics out of video games. Reported for spam.


Cool. Have fun celebrating irl.

No thanks. Keep your politics outside of this video game.

I think the majority of players would rather Blizzard keeps their politics outside of the game, or better yet they just stay all the way out of politics.



I always hate when I see people in threads and go “ah neat they seem okay” and then find them on this side of the conversation in the important threads and it’s like…
welp. :no_mouth:
Whatcha gonna do?
Again, just glad there’s some really good people here.

Edit: Did anyone else see that? I think the mods stepped in there or something. :joy:

I hope blizzard adds pride month in future update. I would participate and it would a lot of fun. Stormwind and orgrimmar could have glitter cannons and lots of fireworks with rainbow colors.

It’s like, REALLY!!??!!

I don’t agree with some in game special thing, but damn it, the OP said nothing wrong. Sigh…

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