Blizzard Any Plans For Pride Month?

Honestly we don’t need a LGBT+ holiday. What we should have is a Acceptance Day in WoW where everyone, regardless of what group they belong to, is accepted. Not because of those groups they belong to, but because they are people. The more we use labels to segregate ourselves the harder this journey to true acceptance is going to be, whether in game or IRL. Now that being said, if the Acceptance Day awarded a tabard that was rainbow oriented that’d be cool, or a toy, or a pet, whatever. But everyone needs to be be accepted in society, and this would go along way to addressing that.


Same thing as every year they’ll put a rainbow on their Twitter profile and sell some rainbow thing on their store for profit!

We’re playing a game that is based, almost in its entirety, around race wars.
Horde players have spit on Alliance players in real life for the faction they play in a video game.

It’s gonna take a lot more than a day to foster acceptance.


I’mma change it to put that in there because you’re right - and…that’s entirely fair.
Honestly I’m personally using it out of spite for all the people who do use it as a derogatory term - take the bite out of an insult and what do you have? A word.

But I getcha. Nobody’s gotta use it if they don’t want to. :relaxed:

There is people in this world that accept LGBT people.

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On a good note - these threads aren’t getting 3000+ notes anymore. I think that’s honestly a great thing - means there’s less cripe out there. :relaxed: On top of that, i’m seeing a lotta good people speaking up, so…okay, maybe we won’t get some super bombastic rep,
but maybe we can all chat a lil more without worrying about getting our posts ripped to shreds. :relaxed:

It shouldn’t just be about LGBT+ though. Otherwise you get “where’s my straight pride event? what about womens day? etc.” We keep segregating ourselves into these groups wanting that specific group to be accepted as equal and at the same time asking for something special. And it causes more division. We shouldn’t be teaching people to accept someone because of their gender, sex, age, race, etc., but instead because they are all people. I’ll fully admit before we get to that we way need to have more specific events and stuff to bring that initial awareness for each of those groups. I just wish people would be more accepting overall. We still have a long road to travel to we get there unfortunately.


Earthling is the only label that matters.


You can’t say that word anymore or else you’ll end up like JK Rowling.

Ha I doubt it, I keep getting muted and having posts deleted for trolling lol


Again - this is the ideal. And I wish it were like that.
People’ve gotta get comfy with the fact that these groups exist first - and we’re still shaky on that front. That’s the whole reason these events happen - not to put these groups on a pedestal, but to just say “Hey! Guess what, we’re part of the whole too! We’re out there and we’re not just the butt end of your jokes! We’re like actual contributors to society and stuff!”

but as long as people keep pushing the narrative that we’re just doing it to be special, well…still a long way to go, like you said.

(Joanne deserved what she got, no regrets there.)

Most people that argue with you got silenced/banned, one of them got muted yesterday because they said Happy Easter.

IKR, LGBT people are good people, JK Rowling deserved it.

What he is saying is that people WOULD do things like that and there is no action Blizzard can take since people can accept or deny anyone for any reason to their party.

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I dunno. I don’t count on people being smart enough to leave it ambiguous. Also like…we network like crazy. :joy:

I’d also enjoy possibly different color schemes too in correspondence to the various flags the LGBTQ+ hosts.


I unironically think a Women’s Day event would cause a lot more drama then a pride event. A sub group of gamers REALLY hate women for some reason lol. So you know what I say? Let’s have both lmao.


A dilophosaurus mount that spits would be an awesome thing to add! :t_rex:

Yeah hopefully having event like those would push those type of people out of the community.