Blizzard Any Plans For Pride Month?

What about it? Straight people aren’t discriminated unless they blatantly try to discriminate or downplay the LGBT community. Unlike the WoW forums, most people on there support representation and don’t say silly things such as “need straight pride event then”.

None are stopping straight people from joining pride events. They just refuse to join because they’re homophobic.


I wonder why these threads only ever pop up on Sunday. :thinking:


Actually, tbh they’ve been here for weeks now lol.


Someone gonna post that “first time?” meme.

They want 50% representation despite being 1% of the population.


can we please go back to talking about railguns


They don’t! In fac they’ve been ongoing for the last two weeks - rather persistently I might add.
If there’s one thing I’ll say about my people, we’re stubborn. Even if half of that’s trolls, it’s the comments that keep’em alive, and they fall into three categories.

  1. People who claim that it’s all bait and everyone should ignore it,
  2. People who get all up in arms at the idea that anything could be done to show a little recognition to the queer community,
  3. Queer people just trying to let group 2) up there know that it really isn’t that bad of a thing in…various levels of politeness.
  1. People who are supportive of group 3 without belonging to that category. (courtesy of cantaloupe, thank you for reminding me there’s support out there. :relaxed:)
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But there was Women International Day on Mach 8th. They did nothing.
Mar 21, 2020 World Down Syndrome Day
Dec 10, 2020 Human Rights Day
Dec 02, 2020 International Day for the Abolition of Slavery
Dec 01, 2020 World Aids Day
Nov 14, 2020 World Diabetes Day
Oct 10, 2020 World Mental Health Day
Single Parent Day

and like 50 more world holidays. And probably 1,000+ cultural specific.
I think we need to go in Alphabetical order of implementation.

or do you think none of them deserve attention? Or they deserve less attention? Those all are very serious things and need to addressed.

EASTER! Today is Easter! Nothing was done!


It’s not political until you made it political. Pride events can exist in-game and you are free to ignore it if it bothers you THAT much… It’s an optional event and those who want to join would be free to do so… and it would be fun for them. LGBT issues aren’t political. They are real life problems. Say what you want, but last I checked, straight people don’t have to worry about losing their job, friends, family over their sexuality. Raising awareness and acceptance can help prevent this. It’s really not hard to understand.

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I think some international recognitional holidays would be a good thing. World’s changed a bunch since 2000. I think it’d be good for the game to reflect that.

noblegarden. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Few of those are marketable.
Pride currently is. ActiBlizz is a company and its be-all end-all goal is making money.


There are more pressing issues in the world than the lack of rainbow transmog

See my post above please for examples.

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Key words: real life problems


(When you could go into some rather insane detail about why historical context makes things like a queer pride event really important, or maybe even things like a womens’ day - I don’t know how you’d pull off a poc recognition event either but bringing awareness to all of these issues is extremely important especially for entertainment companies because they have outreach,
but you won’t, because people’ll argue that context shouldn’t matter. But it does.)

(And maybe it’s even more important for the WoW community because a good percentage of thee vocal bit [le forums] seems hell-bent on denying that anything out here gets carried into the game when

is definitely something that would happen without hesitation.)

They didn’t do anything for Black history month or women’s month.

Women in gaming need more representation IMO

Just something else to ponder while we are talking about representing


Go to their Twitter. The Blizzard team is full of pronoun sharing egoists.

It doesn’t need to be in the game.


I don’t disagree with you, but as you say they are real life problems. I just want to keep my fantasy as is and not drag every issue in the real world into it. Art is already being compromised to try and include all these issues that do get political. And it really is where the debates should remain. All change that effects the masses will have to get political to have effect. Most of all it will just take time, unfortunately generations in many cases.


Your trust level is higher now, you’ve gained enough timegated renown to be a super poster.

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Politely disagree, we need more of that. Moooooving on,

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  1. People who are supportive of group 3 without belonging to that category.

Sidenote, I remember when that word was a slur as bad as a particular F word (arguably worse at the time) so I don’t think I’ll ever be comfortable using it. Good on people for “taking it back” though, I suppose.

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