Blizzard Any Plans For Pride Month?

These troll threads are going to backfire on them. They are going to have to release aPR statement on why they condone trolling like this on their forum, it’s going to get out of hand. More and more posters are going to jump in and spam these threads.

Uhh what?

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How is this a troll thread? Again, theres no reason to suspect it. Is any feedback you disagree with a troll?

Theres a mega thread for this topic.

lmao you so funny, seems like the whole human race is political and in the straight agenda :clown_face:

Exhibit 3: Privileged cishet :clown_face: trying to silence minorities.

Not having a special event for you makes it silencing you? lmao go protest at blizzard HQ :clown_face:

You just keep bumping these threads.

Are you unable to find the mute button? Maybe you can ask someone irl to help you find it if it’s too hard for you?

Nah I like hearing a karen being triggered on a video game forums for not having more special perks for what you are :clown_face:

It must be so hard for you. I hope you get better soon.

It’s okay I think I’m way better than a certain someone in this thread :clown_face: i hope they can find some true love in WoW :clown_face:

No there’s not. I don’t abide by another players “rules”. Until Blizzard makes it so, I will continue to make my own threads and reply to others.

The last thing wow needs is this.


Sorry you don’t get to segregate us to one topic.

What mods? :heart:

No, Blizzard promised Shadowland will have more LGBT inclusive story.

And it did.

I really hope they continue with that promise! I’m all for more LGBT stories and loved the pony and stag in ardenweald.

Unicorn. Not a pony. The soul shapes are a unicorn and a stag, which you would know if you did the main questline for Night Fae.

Do you play this game? You’re level 11. I doubt you have a max level character. You’re probably on a freebee account.

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:roll_eyes: yes I do play the game and I think Shadowlands is one of the best expansions, especially with the LGBT representation being a big focus. I hope they continue to add more.