Blizzard Any Plans For Pride Month?

If you’re going to talk about characters in the lore, know the lore. Otherwise you just look ignorant and uncaring of the quests and plotlines of a game you purport to play. Thiernax is a Unicorn, not a pony and it is a soul shape, not the character’s species in life.

You’re just being nitpicky, yes people will call Unicorn or pegasus a pony or a horse.

No. I’m not being nitpicky. It’s a Night Warrior related soul shape quest that I’ve completed on my Kaldorei druid that was max level through the entirety of BFA and the pre-patch previous to that and is currently Night Fae. Unicorns and Pegasus (there was only ever one Pegasus, which you would know if you’d ever read comparative mythology) are not referred to as ponies or horses because they aren’t ponies or horses. Additionally. It is a soul shape, not the identity of the Night Warrior, Kiernax, formerly of another planet.

The point is that the average/normal people will call Unicorn a horse, or a Nightsaber a tiger/cat.

The average WOW player doesn’t call a Night Fae Unicorn soul shape a horse… and we are discussing issues related to WOW, I trust. I mean, that’s what GD is for, ce n’est pas? If this topic isn’t about WOW that would make it off-topic. There is a separate category for that forum.

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How do you know this? where is your paper?

I don’t need “a paper”. I play this game. I play Night Fae. I completed the quests related to this character.

Yes please stop spamming 6 different topic posts all day.

So basically you use nothing but your anecdotal experience.

It’s a game. Gameplay is subjective and who even knows what you mean by

I don’t think you play this game. Honestly.

You’re just arguing for the sake of arguing, you call someone not playing the game just because they call a Unicorn a ponies.

I’m here to discuss aspects of World of Warcraft, and that is the purpose of General Discussion. Not really sure what you’re here to do. In any case, I found the various soul shape related questing interesting. It was no Revendreth storyline by any means, but interesting.

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You’re not even discussing anything tho, you just accused the guy as not playing the game because he called a Unicorn, a pony.

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“I don’t see the harm either. Don’t My Little Ponies have Horns? They are still considered Ponies. A Unicorn is an Equine with a Horn. Horn or not, it’s still a horse.”

In any case, I recommend picking a character, a covenant, leveling up and enjoying what the current expansion has to offer.

That’s the World of Warcraft that we play.

In the words of the immortal Jordan Peele, “Ciao for now.”

“Got my Main, picked my Covenant, and am working on the last part.”

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Exactly why I never responded to Arwenna. She does not understand that everything is subjective. She’s just looking to argue with me every step of the way. I say good riddance!

Ok so you should understand why people are asking for LGBT content?

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Like class balance, not on the horizon.

How do you know this?