Blizzard Any Plans For Pride Month?


I understand (and even agree with some of) the points you’re trying to get across (sarcasm/joking aside), i just disagree with saying “Oh it’s all the same person behind these alt and post accounts and etc”, all because they share the same beliefs and such.

How about the real world doesn’t invade the game world?

I agree. Wholesale.

I definitely do not want people to shoehorn characters into place they don’t fit.

Not all stories involve gay people, not because none of the people surrounding them were gay, but because that quality about them was never something that came up in that specific story.

Seamus Finnigan being gay and no one knowing is fine. He really didn’t become part of the core story. If, however, Neville Longbottom had been gay and it was just ignored, that seems weird.

Obviously every author has to pick, choose, and decide, about their own characters. The only issue I raise is when an author essentially ignores gay people. It’s not just gay people, or trans people, either. Authors should be adept at writing people, and such authors tend to ignore whole parts of culture, community, and so on.

I agree, completely.

That said I also wish that people would stop being divisive about what they call “lifestyle choices” (as though it’s a choice). Why can’t we all just live together and be happy?

Unfortunately the cosmetics argument is an excellent vehicle for tran/gay/etc arguments. People are what they are, and like what they like. Some people get bent out of shape over it. Why does it have to be an issue? It really doesn’t, but people don’t like other people doing things they don’t like, so it’s made an issue.

Which loops back to LGTBQ. Most straight people don’t GAF. Yet some of them seem to care so much that they need their own “pride event” to balance it out. Otherwise they think they’re somehow less than, as though they were not already the privileged group.

It’s like WASPs demanding more rights just because black people were allowed to vote. Just because people with less privileges climbed a rung on the ladder doesn’t mean you should create a new rung between you two.

To be very clear:

Straight pride makes no logical sense. If you believe that “all are welcome” and celebrated, then it’s already covered by gay pride.

If you believe that there’s some value in “straight pride events” then you’re going to need to explain why. What reason is there to celebrate straightness when the whole world is already engineered to promote, encourage, and coddle, straight people? There’s no “rich history” that needs to be pointed out, there’s no “community” that should be recognized.

Straight people are basically all of history. They’re already almost all of poetry, theater, art, sculptures, music/lyrics, and social structure.

Straight pride is just celebrating the status quo. It sounds good on paper but such a thing is just harmful, not beneficial.


Look at those edits man, best movie


If there is evidence to suggest that person is an alt, then fair enough.

Talking Talonel specifically, i can see the clear connections here that you linked too.

Talking Tulnn specifically, i yet to see anybody connect to this guy.

That’s fair enough.

Well here’s where i’m coming from here by disagreeing with you on this part.

I’m not going to argue that there is people like Tulnn and others like him. It is (or should be) universally understood that it’s bound to happen, not on this topic specifically, but anything. People like the Playstation “fanboys” (the imature ones that tout exclusives and block you if your not only playstation and pro PS) exist and they might all do think the same, act the same and talk the same. Same with everything else, sure.

The issue i take with is saying they are the same person or just alts because they all think, act and talk the same. That to me is implying that those people because of their own choice whom think, act and talk the same as another, don’t exist and it’s really just one guy. Subjectively speaking it does feel like it at times, but objectively speaking, i and other people don’t know it is just one guy until the evidence points toward’s otherwise. Sure, it might be possible that is the same guy, but we don’t know that until for sure.

Until then, Tulnn is just another one. :man_shrugging:

I do agree with checking, that’s how we get evidence that way.

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This post is like a vignette outlining the problem a lot of us have with liberal politics:

They’re all fighting the wrong battles.

Liberals champion tertiary issues when there are much bigger fish to fry; issues that used to be their staple. It’s a shame what so-called “progressivism” has done to left wing ideology.


We should stick to God’s design rather than doing things that He did not intend for us to do with our bodies.

:popcorn: great discussions in here om nom nom nom :popcorn:

Edit: Oops, I thought this was the Talonel topic nvm.

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If you’re afraid of getting banned for what you’re posting, then maybe you should be looking at what you are actually posting.

Disagreeing with someone doesn’t mean report them to death and get a ban lol.

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If you’re getting banned that means you did something wrong friend, no matter how many times you flag someone. Nothing will happen as long as you haven’t done something wrong.

You can get actioned for almost anything as long as enough people continue to report you. If you’ll notice there is even an option to report someone for saying something that is upsetting. In this day and age a simple disagreement is enough to make someone have a meltdown.

I see you’re new here, stick around for a while and you’ll figure out how this works at times.


It’s so funny when people get mad that they can’t say homophobic garbage on the forums without getting a silence tbh lol.


Nobody said they were mad. This nonsense isn’t worth getting mad or upset over.

You do know OP got reported and restored don’t you? report alone won’t get you banned.

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Yet you’re still here, complaining about it :smiley:

She knows she has 6k posts, she just is unhappy that she gets silenced when she says something that is blatantly against the rules, like blatant homophobic remarks or comments for example.

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I am sure this could be fine?

Far from the truth. This is a video game forum, nothing anyone says here can wire me up. lol

these threads are nothing but a clown fiesta. You might spend your time investing that much emotion into a video game forum but I don’t.


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Sorry, but I’m not the one with 6k posts on a world of warcraft forum. Try again next time!

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