Blizzard Any Plans For Pride Month?

Fun fact (slightly off topic there) some people no longer have the PALMARIS LONGUS (a muscle we used when we were apes swinging from tree’s) but thats actually a suprisingly low amount 16%

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Neat. The more you know. :stars:

Keep it civil guys, the mods are watching this and deleting stuff… being very fast i might add.

I wonder how many bans were handed out there. Yup keep doing you.

And…the great purge begins :sweat_smile:

Enjoy your vacation dwarf :palm_tree:


Good morning.

Why would they? Just because a few people can’t keep it civil does not mean they should lock the thread.

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They can’t lock the thread, you know as well as everyone knows if they do this the LGBT groups will call them haters and start a revolution about it.

IMO rules are rules and there is a fair bit of trolling and spam that is going on.


Aye likewise with that very educational article you provided Truthspeaker - thank you

I was reading backwards up the thread & agreeing with some of what you said until this - I feel that though our taxes shouldn’t pay for specific personal choices - this isn’t a personal choice. It’s a very difficult decision to correct an error at birth.

No thanks. Don’t give a crap about pride month.

Sincerely, a Bisexual.


would they? i feel like most people would just shrug their shoulders and go on about their business. that’s what i do, anyway.

there is a fair degree of spam, some of it from me. kinda weird, though, how my on-topic replies have been deleted but my posts about railguns are still there. i wonder if my posts got deleted because i quoted someone else whose posts also got deleted.

these boards are a mystery sometimes :thinking:

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Most would, yeah, but that little tiny fraction of really loud people would scream crazy loud.

There have been a number of times where my posts when I quoted someone did stay, most times they are deleted though too.

Just badly moderated.

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There is a rainbow toy ingame. Make your own fun.

It’s like they want Blizz to be the change they desire , when the saying is be the change you desire.

People want characters to be LGBT , then fine imagine a npc to be or imagine your character to be .

People want events added . Then make your own like the running of the gnomes event

People want communities added . Make your own Blizz has already provided the tools to do so .

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Kind of where I am at . If the company isn’t going to enforce their ToS for the forums because it gets in their way of virtual signaling for SJW street cred then why care.

Enforcing policy is kind of like a form of justice. It should be blind and take it by a case by case basis and not show any personal bias.

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You are ignoring that it’s a choice that doesn’t solve everyone’s identity issues. Transitioning genders isn’t always the solution that everyone believes it to be.

There are those who don’t entirely agree on the gender spectrum. From more effeminate men to masculine women. People have to discern and solve where they stand on their gender.

One doesn’t have to transition unless it is for sure going to work. Otherwise the notable population of those reversing transition just suddenly don’t exist? Or how about those who seek social liberation, not bodily liberation through dress and attire?

The stances of transgender men and women vary wildly and aren’t strictly limited to chemical and surgical transitioning.

Yes we need playable ducks .

Give us the Malla’dorei if Quack’thalas!!!

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If I say no, am I a homophobe?


lmao why would you be afraid of homes