Blizzard Any Plans For Pride Month?

They have one in game already.

Thatā€™s nice. More stuff means more fun.

I mean RP servers do host community celebrations. Go and attend there. WRA ones are quite good.

Expecting blizzard to do something seems too much

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The problem is the trolling continues because these guys know that if blizzard starts banning them they can then be called haters. They know this so they keep pushing it down peoples throats even though the are blatently breaking rules of spam and personal attacks ( calling people bigots and homophobes) What they dont realize is people actually start hating them because of this. So let them continue as they cut their own throat.


bwahahahahahaha thats cute thinking!

Most of the toys are restricted by expanison are nerfed to where they are no longer fun.

I donā€™t think we need to celebrate pride month (or any month) in-game but

LOLā€¦ what?

itā€™s legitimately sad if you honestly believe this.


Itā€™s not like the art team is busy right now.

Theyā€™re not making tier gear anymore. Or doing more customization. The content for next patch is on the ptr.

It only takes a few minutes to gradient a uv file so itā€™s rainbow.

I agree with you 100% and even I try to tell them but they flag my posts and try to get me banned. Yet these same people can get away with everything. The funny thing is I am starting to see a push back and sooner or later itā€™s going to actually happen and that is the sad part.

I donā€™t hate anyone no time for it. They can remove Christmas aka winter veil I wouldnā€™t care. Can we keep Azeroth and earth separated?

I get this group and that group and this religion and cancel culture shoved down my throat on every media platform. I like to escape it all on wow.

I know I can skip it and it fine if you can truly skip it. I donā€™t log I. During Halloween because the costume wands are annoying. I honestly just like fighting the demons, old gods and dead things. Itā€™s a nice break from reality.


Iā€™ve been all over the country. In the major metropolitan areas, being LGBT+ hasnā€™t been an issue for folks for 30+ years. Nobody is being oppressed because they are gay, lesbian, or what have you.

Iā€™ll do the art for free.

Iā€™ll take the best looking tiers for each class and make them look like a rainbow exploded, but exploded nicely, and they can push it out to the customers. I have that skill set.

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And this is WHY you do not work for blizzardā€¦


I donā€™t even know how to respond to this.


I can assure you that my questions arenā€™t in bad faith. You immediately attack anyone who asks questions.

Is there a snippy name for that I could call someone who has sophomania?

Iā€™ve got 3d art and graphic design training. I could make it look really slick.

This will turn into all the gaudy outfits you see on these Asian MMOs.

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Whatever you say šŸ¦­.

Yes they get special treatment. It is not really fair and i myself dont care anymore because i lose respect for a company that cant say ā€œenough is enoughā€ā€¦ so they can ban me, stop me from playing etcā€¦ i dont really care anymore.

They say its about representation but every post they make they are asking for something. Special toys, mounts, pets, micro holidays, tabbards, transgender character creation options, moderated chat channelsā€¦ and the list goes on. All they can do is think MEMEMEME.


I donā€™t either but my own personal experanced has been pretty good and I never went out and bragged about who I am in bed with or what changes i did with my body. SO I never had people abusing me. If they said something behind my back I didnā€™t care cause I want to be the better person and be the mature person. Right now the whole pride thing is just a dog and pony carnival show.

THAT MY POINT of VIEW if no one likes it that is great move on and be happy.

Such a lack of creativity.

See now I want to get the most updated version of wow model viewer, export my model and paint the uvs and load them back into the model viewer as a new texture to see what I can do.