Blizz you gotta separate out XP-Off Twinking

I see empty slots on your 120, why would you use gems while speed leveling?

Itā€™s an honest question. Gems are the issue, and Iā€™ve pointed this out before. Gear being adjusted is good as well.

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Because heā€™s an RP alt?

I see them often enough, hunters with cloth and intellect trinkets.
It is part of the random battleground vibe for sure.

So gems being added to heirloom gear to you isā€¦?

They could remove gems, but that would take away from being able to use Gem slot items from within the economy.
Making them 2-2 would probably still retain the complaints.
Currently a full set of BC epic gear can carry you to 90 within Battlegrounds.
Throw in the bursty BC vendor trinkets and off pieces for added viability.

After all the best gems are the easiest to get, for the most part.
That accessibility for all!

So, you approve but donā€™t feel theyā€™d be utilized?

Edit: Again, not asking with snarky tone. Hard to tell through text, so clarifying.

I still see no reason they couldnā€™t add gems to heirloom gear.

But thatā€™s 70ā€¦ doesnā€™t account for 10-69.

Yes, but 75-90% arenā€™t using gear that uses gems, which is entirely what the twink situation falls on.

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There is a similar conversation happening regarding the BOA items for 110-119.
Currently they do not have AZ traits, the question is should they?
Once players have the BOA AZ items with traits, that really takes away from the gear progression process IMO.

But that gear progression system isnā€™t meant for casual BGs at all. Again, not meant to be a competitive environment. There are war games, arenas, and the like for that sort of thing. I can see where youā€™re coming from when things get convoluted into Azerite traits, but Iā€™d say matters like that should probably be just flat-out disabled.

I mean, I get it. Twinks should have some power, like people who put time in at max level. But to stack 40% crit or 80% mastery is a bit insane over people leveling. Now that game was 8 minutes, they did not GY camp like the monsters these forums make them out to beā€¦ but there should be some kind of middle ground

Like Iā€™ve said time and again, even at max level where things are more evened out (no gem stacking) slaughters do happenā€¦ and they happen a lot to certain people (hence a lot more of my back and forths not due to low level bgs)

Maybe they will remove Gems from PVP one day.
Adjustments have been made a few times to Gems within the sub 120 brackets since BFA launch.

No one is asking for this at all. What about if it was added to heirloom gear?

Well, of course. Iā€™ve taken part in more than my fair share, admittedly. But weā€™ve been pretty transparent with each other the past while, right? Iā€™m open to saying that the twink situation might even mostly be a consequence of this matter with gems. But at the same time, I did show you precisely that happening to me time and again yesterday. It definitely is happening to levelers. :confused: And perhaps quite a lot. That was nearly 80% of my BG experience yesterday and it didnā€™t actually stop until I leveled out.

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New heirloom gear is always welcomed, until players complain about the prices of a permanent item. :rofl:
The new BFA PVP Heirlooms are awesome! full party buffs on the Trinkets.
I was sure to get at these asap.

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We all have different experiences though. Mine really hasnā€™t been bad. Won more than lost, but I do notice the gem thing on every twink toon.

Iā€™d rather they complain about the price and we can point out how they can gem it

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Just wanted to add, I think itā€™s fair that heirloom upgrades shouldnā€™t cost more than a character typically makes by the time of that level. Maybe thatā€™s a bit too liberal an idea to most, but thatā€™s my opinion on it.

Right. But you did see what I posted, right? It very much did happen. Iā€™m willing to say gems played a role in the ones I posted yesterday morning (canā€™t say the same about the one-shotting hunter since that was the bracket before), but even if itā€™s not the case every time, itā€™s still happening quite a lot. Maybe the gem thing couldā€™ve helped in that situation? Hard to say, I guess.

It is 100% the gem case. If you are heirloom geared, and enchanted, you are on par with twinks (or even past them) in ilvl/health

Totally agreed.
The speed leveler mentality does not seem to want to stop and smell the roses within an expansion.
Having multiple vendors for every expansion which sell and trade a multitude of options just doesnā€™t seem like enough at this point.