Blizz you gotta separate out XP-Off Twinking

I have to agree. I mostly mention it as a matter of principle, y’know?

Eh, feels a bit wrong to ask people to switch out heirlooms to keep on par.

PVP is PVP, the sets which made the expansions will always be the best choice.
Better stats, better options, better damage performance.
You trade Experience bonus for power, seems like a reasonable balance.

Eh? Feels taboo to me. These are casual leveling BGs, bud. I do see where you’re coming from, I just don’t feel that rule should apply there. They said they aren’t meant to be competitive, they’re supposed to be casual fun and another avenue of leveling.

And any fresh 70 who uses the full PVP/PVE season sets will have a small advantage.
BOA = Free XP Bonus. Other gear will usually have better stats and options for power.
That is the trade off.
Blizzard rewards the active players.

That’s not activity, it’s disparity. The gear’s not hard to get, sure. But it’s a major trade-off if you’re a leveler. Plus it’s not something everyone’s going to have knowledge of. Or even the funds, really. In fact a lack of funds is exactly what’s been deterring me to level a character on a PvP server.

I just don’t think disabling gems at the very least is that much a compromise. And I mean, you can see how much an effect they have by the screenshot and those two characters’ profiles.

You should make another thread asking for BOA and vendor/marks geared players be separated. Gotta keep the speed levelers safe for those few hours they maintain in the brackets we built, right?

Man, I’m not gonna get into this with you. It’s exhausting. Fact is, when you look at that dude’s armory, their Crit literally increased by 50% on JUST the gems.

Sounds like another thread, time for a massive overhaul.
Gems have been used in PVP since BC, they are a part of this game.
If they were toned down to 2-2 you would still be here complaining because your BOA speed leveling characters do not have them. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

If they didn’t take that much a toll on characters stats, no. I wouldn’t care too much. I’m actually looking at that hunter that one-shot my druid and… yeah, maybe there was more at play.

Edit: Nevermind, that was a whole other situation. I was misremembering.

So they should add them to heirloom gear

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BTW, redemption time: and I hit 70 woot

Ah, shoot… just when I was gonna cap out my druid in that bracket :smiling_imp:

Alliance? Get it to 70 tomorrow!

Naw, they’re Horde. My warrior I just leveled was Alliance. I plan on making a Kul Tiran when they’re a thing, though.

So what you mean ah, shoot? Thought you wanted to fight me or something :sweat_smile:

Saltwater potions on CD.

I was teasin’, I’m not that petty. But I’ll fight ya! My druid is pretty ridiculous against other levelers, if I’m being honest.

I don’t wanna fight. Everyone knows I suck 1v1. It’s why I stick to Bgs over arena.

I doubt that, but you’re leveling a warlock, right? They can be pretty frustrating in PvP. From what you’ve shown, you don’t seem to be bad at all.

Honest question, but what do you think of that idea of adding gem slots to heirloom gear? It actually does sound like a fair idea to me.

At least worth a go?

Aw thanks :hugs: but nah I’m not gonna pretend to be pro. It’s why I figured I’m best for this leveling experience, and on a “not so great low level class”