That is the difference between leveling and twinking. Most levelers are “leveling”.
No, we do not all know that. That is your view. Also, I do not believe you.
About what?
I doubled the closest Alliance toons damage. Was I a twink or was I just a competent player in enchanter heirlooms? People assume because someone does a lot of damage / doesn’t die that they’re a twink. 9 times out of 10 they’re just a decent player, the issue is that the average player is just absolute garbage and oblivious to the fact that they are. So what do we do? We make excuses about why we lose to deflect the fact that we’re bad at a video game.
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Plus, being good at Warrior is a must. blahhhhhhh
Fury Warriors are ridiculous at low levels. It’s absurdly fun.
As I’ve mentioned to someone before, I’ve been nothing but civil and constructive this whole time, so don’t attack me as a person. I’ve even stood up for twinks on several matters, including that there should be an option to opt out of any sort of equalization, scaling, or templating. But I assure you, I’m very capable at what I do.
On that note, again, I point out the many screenshots I’ve provided where I was taking so much damage from lone players (twinks) that I couldn’t heal through – especially the one that, I remind, killed my Resto druid in one action.
And in your screenshot, it appears you had no enemy twinks you were even facing. I’m not saying it isn’t possible to be competitive in BGs when you’re not facing twinks. Obviously.
I’ve showed 60+ SS’s. Sure I could go and pick the handful of the worst ones, but then I’d leave out the many good ones as well. Lopsided matches do happen, and would continue to happen without twinks. Just the reason behind them would change.
Fairly certain I never attacked you as a person, if you took it that way it’s on you. I simply responded to the post you made. I don’t know you, I’ve never played with you.
You’re asserting I’m adding my input here because I’m one of these bad, average players and essentially deflecting what I’ve provided on that notion. I didn’t come here with some sort of agenda. It started off with me asking myself, “I can’t be the only one, can I?” (not that I really had to because people kept asking at the start of games), coming here, and seeing there are many, many more people enduring the same thing. BGs weren’t perfectly balanced before, of course, but pile on being a twink with also playing a FotM class and you’re unstoppable. Here’s a max level landslide loss without twinks
No insult intended, but what’s the relevance?
Nice to see the tears are still flowing
That lopsided matches happen regardless.
Yerp, just got out of this game < 5 minutes ago. We pinned them into the GY like 3 minutes into the game.
htt ps://
Of course. I’ve pointed out disproportionate damage and the like, though. Also, at 120, players have an eternity to gear; levelers have only until they’re out of their bracket.
Time a leveler has to get gear, gem, enchant, etc.: -
Time a twink has to gear, gem enchant, etc. : -----------------------------------------------∞
It’s not about preventing landslide losses… those weren’t preventable before, but were at the very least 50/50-ish with advantage on your side if you queued with experienced players. But now, your knowledge and skill is fairly negligible. Fighting with twinks, I mean.
Let’s simplify this: I’ve mentioned (and shown) my fight with two MM hunters. One was a twink, the other was not. The twink one-shot me; I killed the other which wasn’t a twink. How is this a matter of “u bad lol”?
Edit: Above question in regards to what this poster said earlier.
On a 1v1 basis. Luckily we are talking about BGs and it’s about team coordination. A GOOD team can overcome twinks, as was shown in that AB
On that screenshot I posted with the MM hunter one-shotting me, he pretty much singe-buttonedly (hah) wiped our whole team at LM.
Can you link the post? I got off duty last week and this thread had like 200+ new posts =/
It’s really no different than people lining up Chaos Bolts / Greater Pyros at 120 and getting 100-0’d in like < 5 seconds.
Don’t know why you don’t believe her, I was the one who quick joined. She was I think 61 when I joined and 65 after I logged.
The shaman is mine. Also, for the dense one named Greyhide here’s YOUR proof that Juga, Kang are not alts of each other. Unless, of course, you think they are now multiboxing too.
Again, there is your problem. You must think that “BG” stands for board game. I hate to sound like a broken record, almost as much as I hate listening to your all’s incessant whining. BG stands for battleground, you know where PvP ( player vs player) takes place. I, for the life of me, don’t understand why you limit your characters in such a way that will almost ensure a loss.
“But Welfare, we’re leveling. If we target certain pieces of gear, we’ll level out of the bracket”. Good. Why? you’re leveling. At least targeting a better piece of gear will go a long ways in helping you in the next bracket. Here lies the problem though, you can deny if you want but the exp nerf in 7.3.5 drove most of you all to Bg’s where Juga has already stated how many levels she obtained in one session. She got 5 levels just with me in the course of 1.5/2 hrs.
Remove the exp and see how many of you queue then. Take the carrot out of the equation and see how many of you will still queue. Not many I would bet. You all are taking PvP too lightly as if it’s an afterthought. You’re queuing because you want free and easy exp or the next Allied race gear, because you sure as hell don’t want competition.
Let’s simplify it even further, CRITS happen. The stars align, and every so often stuff gets blown up. The hunter destroyed you all because he most likely had a supporting cast of players, you know, SUPPORTING him to do so. I would take a cohesive team over random twinks any day in any bracket I play in. Perhaps that’s the problem some just want to be that bg hero.