Blizz you gotta separate out XP-Off Twinking

Except in the meantime you have horrible queue times since people aren’t leveling with BGs anyway, so why not just separate it in the meantime since it won’t make a difference?

My queue times were under 10 minutes, but that was also playing when more people are on.

que times are horrible even at 120 because everyone is quitting bfa

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I just straight up don’t believe you, especially on my alliance characters I’m waiting 15 minutes minimum


Correct. Instead, they prefer to just insult you, switch alts and insult you more. It’s a distinct pattern that’s just not necessary. Heaven forbid someone has a different opinion. I wonder how they’ll react once they get out in the real world.

I fully support twinks, always have. I agree with the consensus that they should be separated. I even have friends who twink and preferred it the way it was. They are the types who actually do only want to fight twinks. The only people I’ve seen who do not want it are the ones who need to have that disparity and NEED levelers as if they’re some kind of lifeblood that they cannot live without.

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What level? My 116 character gets almost instant queues.

Same team yet again.

Check their armouries.

Two ally characters, one 34 and one 66, queue times are abysmal. And in this thread you two are the only ones who seem to not have queue times, so again, I just don’t believe you.


110+ queues are likely faster due to boosts and people leveling alts from legion.

I can only attest to brackets up to 80-89, but queue times regularly go to 10-15min+

I have 2 outdated 69 xp off characters and a hunter and rogue in the 70s. Maybe I’ll give them a try tonight.

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My que times in the brackets i play 30-39 40-49 and 60 have all been 8-10 minutes is that considered abysmal today? If so then wow players have gotten spoiled lol.


Pretending there isn’t a problem isn’t a solution. There IS a problem here. It’s unproductive to pretend it doesn’t exist.

The problem is that twinks being in levelling BGs creates a power disparity the likes of which are impossible for a leveller to overcome; ergo, twinks determine the outcomes of games.

On the other hand, some feel twinks shouldn’t be separated because of abysmal queue times.

My solution remains the same: Two separate queues for ALL, one being templated/equalized and the other completely untouched, but re-separated the queues until that (or something similar) can be done.

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Again, straight up don’t believe you, on my ally 34 I wait at least 15 minutes but it’s usually over 20

So once again, straight up don’t believe you


I don’t believe you.

Side note a 69 jadei? I have lost a bit of respect :stuck_out_tongue:

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A better solution, nerf stacking gems (allow them in wargames) and trinkets like rammstein just look this warrior up. He has insane amount of gems equipped, leading to his damage and warrior is crazy low level as it is.

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Guess we’ll have to screenshot our reflex with time stamps.

Others have found it interesting that certain people never seem to ever have these problems that everyone else has.

Correct. People don’t just stop on the airship to try out a new character. They want to see if they have a good time in BGs, especially if PVP is their cup of tea.

For some here, it appears to be.

I’d say “better” is a debatable matter, but again, it’s a step in the right direction.

So you apparently don’t have issues, I still don’t believe you because so many people are. And just because you don’t have issues suddenly everyone else should just screw off? Again that makes no sense. If there’s an issue that causes people not to play low level bgs, then queue times will get worse.

You guys are actually making no sense defending this crap.