Blizz you gotta separate out XP-Off Twinking

Plenty of people you say, yet here I am waiting for 15 minutes to join a BG where my alt just gets annihilated in two or three hits along with the rest of my team.

There are other ways to level, but your logic is flawed as it’s just going to make low level BGs obsolete since no one will do them.


This is genuinely getting tiresome to see. You can’t honestly say that new people aren’t coming to the forums specifically to complain and talk about this, especially considering this thread alone has a few of them, yet time and time again it’s touted that it’s just “the same handful of people” talking about it.

There is no purpose to saying that other than to dismiss or belittle opinions.


This is a fair point. We’re too often dismissed for the “few people” argument whereas it’s the ones defending the unseparation that are becoming increasingly familiar to me. And even aside from that, it’s a non-argument. I’d say to avoid going down that hole altogether.

Also, another SS; same hunter and paladin from last game. Disproportionate number of twinks. Not even a chance.


Saying “plenty of people” is a strawman argument. I was just in a bg that was a 45 min que, and we got our faces melted off. Half the team left midway out of demoralization. New players came in and left as well. If this is how its intended its not working.


Different players on yours. It’s obviously a bad team issue. Lopsided matches happen at 120 as well, where there are no twinks.

Battlegrounds didn’t always give xp. Pretty sure we still had plenty of players. If xp is the only reason they’re there, good riddance.


The issue isn’t that their team is the same one – twinks and all – but that ours aren’t the same?

Or those wishing to earn experience through battlegrounds could be… y’know… separated. As before. And Blizzard have outright said it is now intended to be an alternative means of levelling.

Ozsnipes and tastyfist are the only 2 horde in that last SS

You have multiple ways to level. You choose to pvp. How many ways to pvp at low levels?

Battlegrounds have been a way to level since the end of BC/beginning of wrath. They added turning XP off when they did that so people could still twink, meanwhile separating those that want the experience. There hasn’t been a problem.

They stop separating, it’s a problem again, see the correlation?


When I see that one post, I just scroll past it 99% of the time without even reading it.

It was a concept that came about in Legion when templates were introduced. It was believed that it would remedy the concept of needing to separate. However, when the templates were removed, they overlooked a few important things. It’s a side-effect of Activision wanting more for less.

You’re going to notice that no matter what you dangle, they do actually see it but won’t admit to it. Some people are obstinate just to be obstinate. They’ll lose a debate and cannot just be mature and say “you know, you’re right.”

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That was all they needed. It’s precisely my point.

Edit: I’m assuming you meant twinks. :laughing:

With all due respect, I don’t know what you’re saying here. There are multiple ways to level, sure. BGs have been a fairly viable one as well as a decent side activity to supplement with questing to not get too bored. I may be misunderstanding what you’re trying to say, though.

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Except low level BGs have been complained about the entire time, every expansion. So Blizzard probably decided rather than hurting queue times for twinks (who had to schedule times to play in certain brackets) add them in and balance gear, which they have done and are in the process still.

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If that’s the case, your BG before that would have been a loss. Except you had better teammates is my point.

It wasn’t a loss because I focused objectives and their twinks were focused on killing. You can see as I sorted things by HKs. The twinks were the ones getting kills, they didn’t care about objectives… this time. But if they did care, we’d have been demolished.

You sorted by KB’s. Your team got more kills in the ctf map. They sucked in Temple. it happens at 120 even, no biggie.

They were complained about when heirlooms were introduced because heirlooms were OP. Heirlooms have been nerfed, and now certain gear is better, which I think is fine, but just don’t match up people together with such a disparity. It makes no sense and won’t help queue times


I am pretty sure they see it, but they will never admit it. This has been talked about for so long and so many posts. There are only a few people defending twinks. There are many people that posted threads and just left because they posted their feelings. Got trolled by these same people and left because they are not into forum pvp and circular arguments. They refuse to have an honest debate because they refuse to see the other side of the argument. Most of the people wanting separation are not anti twink. I personally think twinks are ok, but they need their own que. If the que is not popping that fast then it must not be that popular and prob should fade out. If it needs sheep to be fed to them as currently happening then something is wrong as well. Blizzard is sacrificing the gameplay of many to the few twinks that like to be OP.


Which is why balancing gear is better (what Blizzard is doing) rather than separating anyone. And there were more complaints than just heirlooms.


No, I don’t see the problem. Players wanting to level intentionally enter a PvP environment and then complain and exaggerate about xp off players.

The problem is not the xp off or on toggle. It’s busted gear and enchants but rather than address that, separation, and placing some players in endless queues, is the only suggestion.