Blizz you gotta separate out XP-Off Twinking

Yeah, I saw that. Very glad to hear that.

Not yet.

Silly Panda.

Third game. Same team. Pointing out for relevancy and all that.

Hasnā€™t started just yet.

Donā€™t forget the end SS


Nerf MM. Nerf Ramsteinā€™s.

MM so broken at low lvl now my prideful 111 hunter was destroying people like paper

Eh, Iā€™m on both sides of it.

Iā€™ve leveled a few characters to cap over the years thru almost nothing but BGs, and it was a great experience.

Iā€™ve also built dozens of twinks; thereā€™s something fun about chasing down every last BiS (or close to it) for a 19, 29, 39 character. I like the RPG element, and of course the BGs were fun too.

Getting xp-off BGs to pop was an issue, but when they worked they were great.

Yea, its fun to blow off steam and be one of a couple people in a BG that has any power.

My preference is that BGs could still be something for levelers to hop into and enjoy while leveling, breaking up the pace. Right now, thatā€™s really not the case because so many people are running twinks right now:

  • BFA kind of sucks, they need something to do
  • Twink gearing models are super specialized, heirlooms suck nowā€”grind correctly or pay the price
  • Removing XP off has brought new people into the novelty

Overall, I had more fun twinking in past expansions than now, even if it meant that my twinks sometimes spent more time in wPVP and duels than taking over battlegrounds

Wait, turning off XP doesnā€™t separate you anymore?

Who thought that was a good idea?


We won! If only because I focused objectives and their healer DCed at the start cough.

That was the first game where I actually got away with stealthing and never got chased by the twinks!

Nevertheless, at least on their team, you can see the top performers here. Hereā€™s a pic of that Paladinā€™s armoury from before:

Definitely not as bad as the game before, fortunately.

Ultimately, Iā€™d say the best solution would be to ā€“ if not separate the queues ā€“ add two queueing options for all players. One being completely templated and equalized in some sense, and the other completely untouched without even level scaling. Shrug Itā€™s hard to think of a way to appease both sides, but I will honestly say unseparating wasnā€™t the right way to go.

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Better option than splitting the player base would be to disable the gems (thatā€™s what gave that Hunter such powerful hits, all that crit stacked) and nerfing OP trinkets like rammsteins, and getting rid of enchants like incendiary ammo.

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Itā€™d certainly be a step closer to balance, canā€™t argue with that. What Iā€™m thinking of is the players that donā€™t want to be touched by equalization, though. I personally just feel they should have the option to do that if they wanted. Iā€™d love to pit my twink against others. Iā€™d feel wrong playing them in this atmosphere, though. Rather stick to arenas. Feels a bit like exploiting the situation otherwise.

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Thereā€™s wargames that can be done where gear is untouched. Iā€™m trying to come up with a solution that doesnā€™t involve killing queue times for anyone.

I came to the forums because my queue times on my alt were crazy high, then to wait that long to get pubstomped is pretty dumb.

Queue times are already killed because people are probably sick of this concept of ā€œtwink or die.ā€ They just want to level.


Thatā€™s very true, I didnā€™t think about that. Then yeah, Iā€™d say templating/equalization of some manner would be most preferable. But that being said, in the meanwhile, Iā€™d say they should be separated. Thatā€™s just my take, though.

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Or just level another way, in the meanwhile

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Youā€™re saying levellers shouldnā€™t queue? ā€¦ Then why not just separate the queue?


Then people leveling wonā€™t queue and it will be as if itā€™s separated anyway so whatā€™s the harm?


Not at all. Leveling through BGs is actually pretty fun, never really did it until this topic came up by the same handful of posters over and over. If you are having a really bad experience, a lot of people are not, then you donā€™t have to level this way is what Iā€™m saying.

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Plenty of people are not having this hard time leveling through BGs though.

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