Blizz you gotta separate out XP-Off Twinking

Okay, but… this hypothetical person doesn’t have any relevance here. I know tone is hard to convey through text, but I’m saying this without hostility. This is a very common circumstance and is far more often than not true. I regret not taking another SS of the end of that match, but it was 4-0 bases and flag loss. Checking the armouries of the enemy team, their top five were all twinks.

My side? I’m neutral :rofl::joy::rofl:

It’s also very likely a lie.

It’s not though. I did BGs on my Lock (only BGs, no questing) from 10-61 and twinks were brought up twice.

Yes, your anti-twink side.

Well… again, I want to clarify that everything I’ve pointed out is based on personal experience. I’m now entering my second BG in this bracket for the day. As it turns out, the enemy team has those very same twinks I mentioned before. I’ll share the results with everyone as soon as it’s wrapped up.

Not really though. I posted that picture because I don’t believe in zealously defending one side without respecting the other but the reality is that for every one of those wins there were 4-5 painful losses at the hands of some ridiculously overtuned players. You are a twink; you like it so you defend it (a lot!); but it’s not because you honestly think twinking is in a fair and reasonable state; it’s because deep down you know it’s a lop-sided fight, you love the disparity and you are scared blizzard will see these types of threads and take a 500lb hammer to twinking and ruin your fun. I can appreciate that fear - I’m leveling an enhance - we are terrified of any press.

If you’ve leveled through recently you know that there isn’t time to BIS before hitting next bracket. And objectively, you can admit that itemization in any competitive game should never create a disparity where average players are “one-shot” by veterans - it’s not fun, it’s not fair and it’s inctedibly disparaging to most of the players. And realistically I think everyone can admit that most twinks do-so because they enjoy the power - they aren’t there to fight the best, they are happy to camp GY after GY, shout in chat “don’t cap it” and “relieve stress” via this disparity.

Lastly, there seems to be this bizarre fake-news type thing happening where a few chain-posters (including you) state (heck, broadcast) that there is no issue and that normal skilled levelers have no issue with twinks. Yet new threads pop up constantly in multiple places saying the contrary. You gotta stop trying to claim voice over a silent majority (since really, 90% of players never make it here) - it’s bizarre and inaccurate and as weird as tinfoil-hat assuming that everyone is an alt of an alt trying to push an agenda deliberately to spite you. Most of these threads are just random guys like me who see a dozen or so ridiculous BGs and say “ok, honestly, this is crazy - why aren’t people talking about how bad this is” and hop over to make a thread. It’s probably simply for catharsis and is likely never going to affect any real change but it’s almost exclusively unique one-offs and not a giant anti-twinking illuminati out to get you. And even lesssssssss of usssssss are lizarddddd peopleeeee. Ignore that last part.


Not anti, never have been. I fully support twinks and will argue against those who want them gone. They have every right to be here, just like we do. I do not like when people try to eliminate everything that bad players like to do such as twinking or low level ganking. I do, however, agree with the majority who believe that they should be separated as it gave everyone exactly what they wanted.

You’d know this if you were not so busy trolling and hearing what you wanted to hear, Willy.

It didn’t though. It gave you, and those like you, what you wanted.

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Wrong, as usual.

Battle just started.

First encounter.

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Damnit mobile keeps swapping chars - this was sandy

New threads like the shaman alt again all goes back to same people

Well said. You won’t convince me that those supporters do not know this. They’re being obstinate just to be obstinate.

It is actually quite the opposite. :wink:
Blizzard is quite aware, rest assured.
Adjustments are being made which solely focus on balancing the lower brackets.
This has been the theme, players playing together.


The supporter and his alts will tell you “no problem here, working as intended!”

MW is heirloom geared… trying to get the pally but the accented a isn’t working

… Well, I’m an idiot and left the game yet again right as it ended out of habit. But it was a 5-cap GY farm that time. This bracket appears to be exceptionally more brutal than the others; all but one have been against the same team thus far. :confused:

It still shows my warrior that hit 120 several weeks ago as being level 52, for some reason. My druid also wasn’t showing up at all yesterday despite being like 50-something. Sadly, it can be hard to test with some characters.

Did you get the SS?

Not the ending one, no. I hit the Leave button right as it ended out of habit. Y’know, like a doofus.

I saw your screen shot and it seems its that 1 trinket that’s been talked about a lot. and from what I heard its getting the nerf bat pretty hard same for enchants and stuff

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8.1.5 will fix the overpowered proc items.
Ramstein’s included.

Have you tasted a Saltwater Maledicto at 120 yet?