Blizz you gotta separate out XP-Off Twinking

With the focus on ease of gearing 10-120 within BFA, there is no reason for gear disparity complaints.
Active players are doing fine 10-120.
Working as it should.

Patch 8.1.5 will be a nice boost to Dungeon/Leveling gear, this will greatly ensure every player has options for viability.

Once again, Fortune favors the bold.

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I cant speak a whole lot about 19-109 as my time twinking those brackets in BfA are limited, but I do have 13, level 119 characters that are geared well above the average leveler and the gear makes such a large difference that matches are borderline boring at times.

I wanted to test out the ā€œscalingā€ on different classes/specs and the difference 20 ilvls makes is insane in the 119 bracket. Itā€™s going from being trolled by a healer to making the healer run. A difference in struggling to kill 1 person (1v1) to killing 3-4 players with ease (1v3-4). Gear makes a Huge difference (atleast in the 110, 111-119 bracket).

I see a lot about the gear scaling in BfA but I dont see the balance. The scaling system doesnā€™t seem to make adjustments for ilvl difference let alone procs and enchants (even though nerfs have been made).

Added: I am holding out on turning in my quests with blue gear rewards on my 119 hunter to see if the 8.1.5 gear upgrade is going to be better than grinding timewalking gear. Right now a 119 quest that rewards blue gear is ilvl 298 and 305 upgraded. If passes 300 without upgrade after 8.1.5 and tw still grants baseline ilvl 300 at level 119, waiting to quest for gear at 119 will be the way to go if you want to twink in the 119 bracket. Going to have to wait and see.

Prior to a few nights ago, I had no experience in the 111-119 BGs.

Gear disparity is without a doubt a huge problem there. I saw a Vengeance twink with 179k HP, theyā€™re 318 iLvL.

If thatā€™s not a reason to complain about gear disparities, then I donā€™t know what could possibly constitute a reason for you.

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Looks like the OP has relieved themselves of confusion and finally worked things out.
BOA leveler can do fine throughout the brackets, it is nice to see the 180.
Nothing like a little elbow grease to solve our problems. :ok_hand:

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The 111-119 bracket stands out gear wise. Itā€™s a bracket where limiting the ilvl to 300 may help.


The new upgrade for Heirloom items - 120 will fill some gaps for inactivity.
111-120 will be an even faster process with the Heirloom experience bonus.
Just like every other bracket, a few hours max and players are on their way to 120.


I believe, at this point, no amount of evidence will convince her otherwise. Some people are just obstinate to be obstinate.


They are and they pick the right person lol

sorry? look better

iā€™m sorry i must have missed the part where you were prevented from wearing appropriate (enchanted) items and playing your class well? sounds like you just want a nanny to come and make the mean olā€™ bullies go away.
if you want to succeed at anything, not just Warcraft, you need to put forth the effort required to be better than the competition.


Heirlooms stopping at 110 contribute a huge factor to 111-119 BGs.

I know, man, seriously! When that 30 year old chose to stay in the beginner MMA class at the YMCA, the rest of the class, 12 year olds or not, have no business complaining. They have access to the same parts of the gym, same vitamins and programs that he does. He put forth the effort to be top of the beginner class and rightfully deserves his undefeated record.


this is disingenuous. your hypothetical children versus adult male scenario falls on itā€™s face when you consider that Warcraft characters are all made from the same pool of class and stat blocks. a more apropos comparison would be the kid that trains and uses the gym, vitamins and programs versus the kid that does not. there is no ā€˜30 year oldā€™. thatā€™s just a boogeyman youā€™ve invented to blame your own failure to improve on.


Buddy, Iā€™m agreeing with you. The kids in the beginner class have absolutely NO room to complain. That 30 year old isnā€™t breaking any rules. Heā€™s tried the adult class and he just finds it boring. It is NOT because he canā€™t hack it.

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Weā€™ve already established this supposition as fallacious


No ā€œweā€ havenā€™t. You responded with a red herring, which is a fallacy in itself :wink:

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I truly hope thatā€™s not how it came across.

Its not, he is reading something into it that is not there.

It can be misconstrued as a counter argument for some really questionable :poop:

Not sure if this 20/20 program got my mind on the alert but this response definitely registered as ā€œWTH!? Nu-oh nope dont go thereā€


The only thing that is misconstrued are the voices in your head. It was not implied or even remotely to what are talking about. I think you might have some problems just bringing it up.