Blizz... the lack of transparency is killin TBC

I agree with what Pisaro has said in the last few posts.

For every person who complains on the forums, there are probably 100 who don’t. Also as I’ve said before It’s not about the money all of the time. You seem to talk about the money part a lot. As if the server community etc means absolutely nothing. It is only about the money to Blizzard, but to many players, there’s more to it.

I think it’s important for customers to have an outlet. I also think that the best thing for a company to do is to address common issues instead of ignoring them. When people are ignored they tend to complain even louder.

I’ve figured out the best solutions for myself after a lot of consideration. My solutions do not involve playing on servers I don’t want to play on. For the people who just want to vent about their servers dying etc I’ll be there to listen to them so I will not stop posting about this on their threads.


I’m not bulletpointing again, it’s a waste of time. And it doesn’t make ones opinion any better or posts seem anymore intelligent.

I used your solution, it didn’t work. 2ndly what snake oil? Are you deliberately ignoring the playerbase dropped off? Seems like you are the type of person to ignore problems and pretend like they don’t exist.

Come on man lol. His problem is that he transferred to a server that is now busted. How often should he be expected to transfer? At what point do we expect Blizzard to do something about this? I appreciate that they want to squeeze out every last dollar from transfer money, but enough is enough.


It’s not totally busted… yet but the writing is on the wall. Axxi’s solution is transfers but I look at that as a bandaid. Just like most doctor prescribed drugs, so many of them are masks, not cures.

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It doesn’t mean that much if people just abandon it en masse, does it? Those people who you may have considered to be community sure didn’t care when they left, so …

And to that, I’m not sure what sort of solution someone might be looking for, nor where they would expect to get it other than through building their own community, which we are certainly capable of doing with the tools and platform we have.

Yeah, I don’t really disagree with this, and I think that people venting is sometimes good and even sometimes healthy. I also think that sometimes it’s good to say, “Hey now, stop blaming everybody else for your own unhappiness, and stop with the negativity! Pick yourself up, because you can, and enjoy yourself. Or maybe it’s just time to take a step back, and some time off, rather than bringing everybody down with your sorrowful self-pity.”

A year or so later? I mean, c’mon man is right! What were you expecting? Server populations can and do change over time.

Have they done something about it in Retail?

It’s literally only $25/character. If you don’t play the character enough to spend $25 then don’t. If you do, then do. Also, you can just reroll… Depending on how much you enjoy playing.

In any case, if they end up doing something then cool. If not, then cool. We already have 15+ years of dealing with this, we can expect it by now.

That’s not my solution. That’s a solution that exists for people who would like to continue playing their character among a different population.

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cross server merges yeah but that’s not what many classic players would want

And there ya go. Another Retail feature. Is that something you personally prefer about Retail?

you cherry picked again, why not use the whole sentence. I literally said that’s not what classic players would want and it’s not what I would want either.

I do think they should consolidate realms thou. I do think ther’es too many.

But good on you trying to put words in my mouth.

edit: p.s. I don’t have retail installed so yeah… nothign I personally prefer they have as I don’t know really waht they have

Incendius went from a few thousand down to about 30. That’s an acceptable situation in your mind?

Why would they do that in retail? Everything is cross-server. These mega servers in classic really don’t function all that differently from retail. There’s plenty of faceless people to play with and you’ll just check your addons to make groups.

We’ve talked about this already. It’s not necessarily about the money. $25 isn’t breaking the bank hopefully. I just don’t see the issue with connecting some of the smaller servers. Let them play and still have a sense of community. That’s what a good number of people want from the game. It’s not just about easy access to content.


Are you giving an example of the problem definition, then asking me if that’s an acceptable situation?

Because Retail is the future of Classic. The problems that Classic had were largely dealt with in future version of WoW. Different people among us will have different preferences, and reasons for preferring Classic. Some may prefer Retail, and the solutions it has brought to what some may consider problems with Classic.

It is when you make it about the money, which is what I responded to.

And I just don’t see the issue with allowing us to have more than 4 stacks of conjured mage food/water in our bags, but that’s not the way the game is. Do I still prefer it over Retail?

Classic will be over before it turns into retail. There’s never going to be a Shadowlands Classic lol. You’re confusing intentional game design with server issues. Classic was never going to be TBC again. How could it be? The game was still rising to its peak back in those days. TBCC has peaked already and there are no new players to replace the ones that leave.

You may not notice that on a mega server, but it’s debilitating to small servers. Let’s not pretend that Blizzard won’t change things when the ability to actually play the game hangs in the balance. They had no problem rolling out same faction BG’s. Keeping the remaining playerbase is good for all of us.

You might be confusing something, but I’m actually very much enjoying the game the way it is.

There are A LOT of new players. I literally recruit a couple every single day on my server to my guild that are completely new to WoW. You may just not be very actively engaged with building community, which is the major aspect of Classic that I missed and appreciated, and even the one thing I can pinpoint that I prefer about Classic over Retail.

Look at you! You look at this character and make assumptions. Yes, this belf that I rolled fresh about a month ago is on Faerlina. This isn’t the only server I have played on, nor have experienced in WoW Classic or TBC Classic.

I mean this is a good point. That they aren’t making changes to servers might be because it’s just not that big of a deal.

Anyway though, I feel like we’re getting off in the woods here. I’m having fun, making the best out of the situation we have. It’s possible to do, regardless of what happens.

I hope that people who find themselves on a server they do not enjoy being on, find themselves elsewhere soon, and start having fun again :slight_smile:

Well, the truth is by transferring together players do kind of transfer their communities. That’s why you find people going back to their “old servers” and talking in LookingforGroup etc about how the new server is so great and come on over, they want the same community around regardless of the server name.

However, as Pisaro said, when there are too many people it’s more like Retail and some of us stopped playing Retail for a reason. I’m a fan of player choice and do not think that the choice to only play on a 99% super mega server with a diminished community experience or quit the game is a real choice at all. I liked Classic a lot more where people could actually pick what they wanted (faction %, server size etc).

I really do think you prefer mega servers which is fine because many people do… but that’s YOU. Not everyone likes the environment they offer. They do have their problems and some people hate them. Sure you can find a guild or whatever but overall it’s not unlike just playing Retail. Therefore for some, playing on a super mega server is just not a great experience no matter how much they attempt to enjoy it… because it’s just not what they want… and yes they should quit if it gets bad enough and find another game (and I encourage it) but they can also fight for things to be better first.

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We’ve literally had this conversation before. You’re trying to build some narrative that I have a particular perspective that disallows me from seeing the truth of other servers.

I have a Horde Warrior on Kurinnaxx that I rolled the moment the server went live, and brought all the way through Naxx.

I get what community is, and how much a guild can affect that. I also understand what smaller communities are like. I played a Paladin on Deviate Delight during Classic as well.

But yes, at the end of the day, I do prefer larger population servers, but I also hope that others are able to play on servers that have population sizes they prefer. :slight_smile:

You told me that asking Blizzard to connect some servers was like asking for the ability to carry extra mage table stacks. You must know that those aren’t the same thing.

Do you think the small and medium servers are experiencing that? Again, mega servers do not have that same sense of community, but I guess that’s subjective and I don’t care enough to argue it.

I’ve been on Benediction a little while now, so I think I can comment on it. When a few guildies quit the game last week, we didn’t have to worry about the future of the raid team. The benefit of being on one of these servers is that you have access to so many people and established raiders transfer here all the time.

We’re all having fun with it lol, but you’re allowed to criticize the parts that you don’t like. No game is perfect.

I didn’t tell you that. Anyway, if you want to argue with someone go ahead. I’ve stated my opinions, and I’m enjoying myself in game.

Have great adventures.

Yes well, I try not rehash conversations/go in circles with people. I’m just trying to point out that you prefer larger populations so maybe can’t quite empathize as much with people who think differently on this.

You say you played on Deviate Delight. There have been a few threads from people there who were quite sad about losing their community. A community which I know was quite good despite never playing there. They can go to Grobbulus and many have but it’s a totally different community feel. The solution just isn’t that great or something to be super happy and excited about.

This isn’t happening though. That’s the problem. At the end of TBCC we’re probably going to be left with 6 NA servers all mega while the rest of the servers are dead. How do you see this as a good and positive thing that should not be complained about or addressed at all?


I said I don’t see the issue with connecting some servers, which they’ve done before by the way, and you replied with not seeing the issue with carrying more mage table stacks. You guys always do this lol. You always take it a step too far and the mask slips. You’re looking directly into the lens.

I mean come on man. When have I stated that a dead server is a good thing? I’m simply saying that people can do something about their own circumstances.

You can’t force people to play on smaller servers or stay on them. You can recruit and grow your community though. If that’s what you prefer, then do it, rather than complaining that someone else isn’t doing it for you.

That’s all I’m saying.

What’s that? Lie and say someone said something they didn’t in an attempt to “win” a conversation?

Nice one.