Blizz. Sylvanas

Return of the Queen


I want her back, only to give her the Sindragosa treatment immediately of tossing her off into some far off afterlife where she and Nathanos can stay and never be hear from again!

Isnt she currently in some far off afterlife where we will never hear about again?

I’m thinking mopey and drab like Anduin.

And if she finds him? Then what?

Then she can stay in WoW hell and they can spend eternity not bothering the rest of us.

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They’re together and they get to either stay down there and enjoy the peace and quiet OR they talk to Pelagos about which of the shadowlands they get to go to.

Or heck, maybe they go exploring the great beyond, trying to see all the other realms that were lost to time.

Beyond that though the question remains: What the hell would she even be coming back to?

The alliance will want to kill her all over again as would the Varrok faction of the horde, the Loyalist would hate how she’s “gone soft” and isn’t fulfilling their psychotic simp fantasies, without the Jailer boosting her she’s a good archer and a general but both factions have plenty of those…

So once again:

“Sometimes dead is better”

― Stephen King, [Pet Sematary

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You would not be the first to vastly under-rate the potential of Sylvanas Windrunner.
How many times has she been counted out since Warcraft III ?

I have a statue of her that I bought.

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Anduin is more broken then anything else. He was still sheltered from things by Greymane coming into Shadowlands. Seeing how his ideals ,everything he thought he was and stood for was so easily taken from him turning him into what he hates broke him. I like seeing him broken because this gives him a chance to grow and leave idealism behind.

Sylvanas on the other hand is not broken but must come to terms with what she become which could break her. Showing remorse does not mean she has to be mopey and drab. I am a Saurfang and in WoW he was the best writing for a character that feels remorse but still takes responsibility for his part. So I would like to see Sylvanas become more like that, no cockiness but still self assured about walking her path.

Anduin and Sylvanas are two characters seeking redemption. Plus this plays with the duality of light and shadow that WoW is currently working with.

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Right same here

If you blink your eyes is the Sylvanas statue suddenly closer to you?

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Oh please God no, no more Sylvanas!

I mean, we are already getting another EMO female villain in TWW.

I want more Sylvanas. Posters , bed sheets , pillows, statues , and etc. My whole house would be decorated with Sylvanas Windrunner .

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Anyway, did you guys know that there are only 3 Alliance characters in TWW?

They are Jaina, Moira, and Dagran II.

Meanwhile, we have several Neutral characters, such as Anduin, Alleria, and Magni, and several Horde players, such as Thrall, Gazlowe, and Geya’rah.

I wonder… will Midnight also be a Neutral/Horde-leaning expansion with minimal Alliance involvement, like TWW is?

Who’s we? She should have died after Wrath.

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In what world do Anduin, Alleria, and Magni count as neutral, but Thrall doesn’t?


He likes to make up his own lore. It’s his feelings about it. Not anything really canon.

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Anduin is Neutral because he refuses to return to Stormwind since Shadowlands.

Alleria is Neutral because she left the Void Elves in DF epilogue.

Magni is Neutral because he left Ironforge to devote himself to the World-Soul since Legion.

Thrall is Horde because he is the Orcish representative on the Horde Council.

It’s actually rather simple to understand.

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Anduin is still the ruler of the alliance, still a human, and still a major alliance lore character. Alleria “left” the void elves insofar as she’s going to do other things, she didn’t officially abandon the faction or anything of the sort. Same with Magni, he is still a dwarf and allied with Ironforge, he is just doing other things in the larger world. Same as Thrall, who although he is the orcsih rep, still actively works towards helping the world at large.

This sounds like cope to me.