Blizz. Sylvanas


We miss Sylvanas… a lot. Please don’t let it take forever for us to see her again. We are having withdrawls. Ok, thanks!


Dude, you want this writing team to bring her back? She’ll be nothing but smiles and hugs and shared feelings.


Funny that you might see Sylvanas everywhere when the outfit is released. :hourglass_flowing_sand::robot:

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Oh god, you are right… should we just quit wow now? Lol… but honestly. She is the reason I loved the WoW story! So, i truly hope this is not true :frowning:


They had to hide slyvanas away because she would make xalatath seem less interesting. Hehe

Like seriously, who would be afraid of her when slyvanas could beat her without being affected by any of her mind games.

What the… this is happening?!

You didn’t play the end of Shadowlands?

Never thought of that, so true, so true… i mean i doubt Syl is sitting in the maw sad and reflecting. Lol.


I’m a sylvie simp as well (and proud of it)…that being said she’s not the same character anymore unfortunately…she was changed from a sarcastic, wily and bitter forsaken leader to a warmonger war chief who was set on the destruction of hope (idk) to a weepy sorrowful “I’m sorry for all that” waif. Basically we’d get another Alextraza (sp) crying about how sorry she was about dragon eggs except that it would be about a tree she burned that the druid gods didn’t even approve of in the first place (see nelf starting monologue) I don’t think I want that Sylvie…


Sylvanas did fall for the Jailers lies so I am not so sure she would not fall for Xalatath at this point.


Her soul was torn in half so it’s a little different. The forsaken are known to have resistance against the void and the old gods. It’s why death knights could use saronite armor.

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I am curious how she’ll be with her two shards of her soul put back together. I imagine we find out in Midnight.

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What might be crazy is Manastorm can make Xal’atath more interesting as his family worked with her. Could’ve conquered Azeroth if Millhouse didn’t betray Magnus. :scroll::robot:

Besides using illusions of her sisters. :robot::magic_wand:

Already happened with the Medvih and Varian outfits. :hourglass_flowing_sand::robot:

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Really! I didn’t know that about manastorm.

Having her soul whole puts her in a worst spot mentally because now she has to come to terms with her actions all these years. Not just burning Teldrassil but all the horrible things that the forsaken did on her request. She is mentally fragile is easy picking for someone well versed in the art of manipulation. Having resistance against the void and old gods will not help you against yourself.

Also I hated that whole half a soul thing. They should have made her like Garrosh, owning everything to the bitter end.


I’d have had it as Varimathras posing as her to get back at her. Because the whole she now agrees with Arthas thing didn’t make any sense. Subjugation or not. Especially with Subjugation because she had broken free and swore to never give into that again.


Also a better background for Xal’atath that made Millhouse what he is and why he has such a large ego. :memo::robot:

From the Manastorm Decision: :mag::robot:

... and so it was his fate to be cast into the Twisting Nether, never to return to Azeroth. Even his own son, Millhouse, turned on him in the end, though it is my opinion that Millhouse did it for reasons other than the fate of Dalaran and Azeroth.

It is absurd to think that Magnus could ever free himself of the magical wandering prison we crafted, but there is tiny particle of doubt that pervades my thoughts. Still, we had no choice. Magnus had the impossibly rare problem of being more dangerous dead than alive.

<There are a few more legible notes on the creation of something called the Phantasm Zone, a prison dimension within a dimension that would fly through the Twisting Nether forever, its occupant able to see out, but never escape.>

Xal’atath interacting with Millifcent Manastorm: :mag::robot:

How far the Manastorms have fallen! Relying on crude machines and weak arcane wizardry did them no favors. Still, they had their uses.

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Kill Sylvanas.


Has already happened three times. Doesn’t stop her.