Blizz. Sylvanas

This is from the Il’gynoth fight in Ny’alotha raid
So not my fetishes

I find seer’s who don’t see their own death coming to be… uncompelling.

No thanks, we have Alleria in TWW and that’s bad enough already.

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Ok here me out .

Say they bring in Sylvanas and Vereesa to help Alleria in the pre-patch and Knaifu or Dimensious takes all 3 out and we get a bright future in

World of Nowindrunnercraft.

The tentacle fight boss?

Look man.

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I put money on it that she will make some sort of appearance in Midnight.

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I miss Sylvanus, missed hitting her between the eyes and removing her from this franchise for good.

How about this… you keep your “sylvanas” but everything that is about shadowlands and sylvanas “5d chess brain moves” is erased from the warcraft story?

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I’ll be honest, I was tried of Sylvanas’ shenanigans well before BfA was over, and it got so much worse in Shadowlands.

I could go another 10 years without seeing her again.

Lol, no.


Can’t wait to see her mailbox dancing for change.

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She should’ve died

I mean this is the writing team that actually wrote her to be stupid enough to believe the jailer wouldn’t enslave her too. Despite him enslaving literally everyone he encountered.

They should’ve killed her off just so she could die a legend. Sometimes it’s best to let a character die before they get ruined. Whatever they’re going to do with her down the road will likely just ruin her legacy further.


put her head on a spike at the entrance of orgrimmar forever. that way our sylvanas fans can remember her each time they enter org :smiley:

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Some of us like things other then evil, did you want the ending of LOTR to have Aragorn chop off all the hobbits legs and say “You bow to to EVERYONE!! HAHHA!!!” or when Gimli said “Never thought I’d die fighting side by side with an elf” would you rather have Legolas say " Not gonna happen, you will die alone!" ?

Some of us like nice, warm fuzzy feeling-filled things, heck I think we need more of it.

Did you want Sauron to apologize, be forgiven, and have a big group hug with hobbits?


It’s ok to like warm, fuzzy things like that but it should fit the characters involved. And while Sylvanas did at some point care about people, she wasn’t particularly warm. There are definitely characters (like Chromie for instance) in WoW’s lore that fits that bill. They should be the warm, fuzzy types.

And also evil is ok. Evil is sometimes needed for stories. Just like anti-heroes and neutral stuff. It helps keep things interesting. The was evil but now is just misunderstood is so overplayed.

That also doesn’t mean that everything needs to be evil or gray or whatever. There just should always be variety.


We? There is no we! Just you!

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Nah I want her to come back too. I’m curious as to what they’ll do with her having both parts of her soul together again.

Seeing as the writing has been getting worse and worse, it will be worse than Shadowlands.

Well as much as I didn’t like DF’s story I cannot say it was worse than SL. We’ll see. They changed the writing team.