Blizz. Sylvanas

Uhm, every Alliance character throughout history has always worked towards helping the world at large.

There has never been an Alliance character in history who shirked from this duty.

The difference between someone like Anduin and someone like Jaina, is that Jaina is still actively involved with the Alliance as a faction, while Anduin is doing his own thing. That makes him Neutral. It’s simple.

Not actively working towards the faction’s specific goals doesn’t mean you are suddenly neutral. Am I suddenly neutral everytime I do a quest that helps the world at large instead of doing one that is alliance specific?

This really comes off as you stretching things to fit this narrative of blizzard not giving any attention to the alliance, when the overwhelming majority of important NPCs come TWW will be humans and elves.

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What are you talking about? I literally said that their goals align in saving Azeroth.

The difference is that Anduin is not associating himself with the Alliance anymore.

How is this so difficult to understand?

I’m pretty sure at no point did he actively go “I’m not part of the alliance anymore”, and at the end of the day, Anduin is still a major alliance character and hero regardless of what the writing team does with him. So, again, this is just bad cope. TWW is heavily favoring alliance races, and even in your attempt to stretch the narrative, all you’ve done is make it equal.

Dark lady watch over you.


no we dont

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You’re welcome to cope. Fact is, Blizzard doesn’t see them as Alliance characters, so they are not Alliance, the End.

I like how you’re immediate response to the last Alliance QQ fest being locked and delisted was to immediately derail this one with the same content.


The only one coping about any imagined slights against the alliance here is you, friend. The rest of us don’t have to make up imagined slights against our favored video game faction to try and make arguments that had nothing to do with the thread we’re arguing in.

Cope harder, though.


As far as I know she can be released once she finds the last Nelf Teldrassil soul, seems finite and rather easy given the size of the Maw, the psychology of what is occurring though would scar the best of us.

She did.

It’s a lesson is futility to respond to him because anything that doesn’t match his head canon is immediately discarded.


Do we? I am just fine if we had no Windrunners anymore.

We all have our favorites and we all have characters we care less about. I don’t wish for anyone’s favorite character to be dumped just because I’m not a fan.

It has nothing to do with me not liking Sylvanas. It’s more that I don’t like what blizzard did to her after wrath, and I sure don’t trust them to do any better with her this go around. I’d much rather they retire her than continue to butcher her.

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