Blizz. Sylvanas

I wouldn’t be uspet if she never made another appearance.


If they write her well, (read: going back to WC3-TFT where she actually cared about the Forsaken & Blood Elves), sure.

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I do not miss Sylvanas. In fact, I wish they’d gotten rid of her years before they did.


I miss Sylvanas Windrunner . She will always be my Queen .
I hope one day she will lead a 3rd faction . I will be at her side once more .

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Sylvanas was cool up to and including Cataclysm.

Legion is when her character turned to crap.

With all the mysterious power building up offscreen, hidden motives we didn’t find out until Shadowlands.

Her character has been totally assassinated, at least if you compare current (or Legion) Sylvanas to Vanilla and Wrath Sylvanas.


Think about Sylvanas.


Can we kill off the entire Windrunner family?

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The longer she stays away the better.

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Looks at what’s been happening to Anduin and how he’s going to be underground with us and Xal’atath.

Maybe he should have stayed helping Sylvanas in the Maw.

Anduin is not only human (so he has that bonus potential), but is an Alliance leader.

They won’t make him fall did Sylvanas did.

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I don’t miss her at all. That said, I do feel bad for her fans given how she’s been written.

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Who is this we? I don’t miss her even a bit. There were a few times when she was interesting but most of the time she was just an arrogant egotist. Frankly, I’d prefer Blightcaller leading the Forsaken, at least he was an interesting character with loyalty and courage.

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The issue with sylvanus is that by that point in the story none of us wanted her to have “a redemption arc”; she’d done too much horrible crap for too many stupid reasons and those of us who thought she was cool at some point for whatever reason were just done with her by that point.

It was like the climax of 'ol yeller with us putting her out of our misery.

He may get better as the expansion goes on but I wouldn’t put it past Blizz to ramp up the drama/stakes of him falling to Xal’atath.

Then they bring back Sylvanas in the second act because her and Anduin formed some sort of mind bond and lo and behold she can ultimately heal him.

So she’s back and now redeemed because she saved her Little Lion. :dracthyr_uwu:

End of the trilogy. The adventurers fight against the power of the mastermind. A villain so powerful and ancient that nothing can stop him. For he not only is responsible for all the events of the series he has already masterminded planned out every event that is to come. Due to his power to know exactly what the adventurers will do because he already wrote their fates he cannot be stopped. Then when the adventurers are about to be erased from the story Sylvanas jumps out of the portal of death. “You shall not control my fate!” As Sylvanas wields the tablet of fate with which she unravels the threads of the mastermind. In his last moments he warns of a greater evil. Then Sylvanas finally redeemed unites the alliance and horde. Joining arm and arm to form what will be known as the grand alliance of azeroth, with Anduin and Sylvanas as their leaders the grand alliance shall weather any foe the multiverse can throw at them.

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We just had a “Anduin mentally falls to the big bad” story line in SL.

And leaders being indebted to each other is a one way street. Horde leaders are eternally owing the Alliance. Not the other way around.

None of us? Once again we see someone in the anti Shadowlands echo chamber claiming they speak for everyone who ever played this game.

The ego of the “End game only” crowd is unbounded.

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I have honestly never met anyone who actually wanted that redemption arc to happen.

Clearly not enough, and therefor that means those people should be ignored. Which means the same conclusion.


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Well now you have, I’m a big Sylvanas fan. Have been since I stated playing the game.