Blizz showing that Alliance is the favorite child from the HS event

Yes alliance bias is infact real has been since MoP that way we knew.

I feel that it is less about bias and more about a lack of forward thinking. That might just be me though. :sweat_smile:

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Bring back pvp servers. Problem solved

This is stupid

The docks are basically isolated.

It’s realistically no different than outside the gates of org.

Stop crying


I don’t know if there is favoritism either way
but the north remembers that alliance’s garrison was infinitely better than the spiky huts in the snow horde got. That’s my only contribution.

Tell it to my Mechagnome


I have 58 70s horde and alliance

I guess it’s true, there’s always a bigger fish. I bow to your warband.

Plus overweight humans, plus female humans and dwarves with no counterpart for the Horde, plus gryphons for the Horde, but no wyvern for Alliance, plus 2 neutral Alliance cities & 0 neutral Horde cities, plus 2 Alliance zones, which are now never ending warzones, plus quite a few other destroyed zones and cities etc.

But yeah
 such bias
 having to spend 10 minutes on creating an alt for the Alliance, in order to get the exact same rewards.^^


Both children are well into their adulthood at this point yet they still bicker at every point about who gets more attention from the parents.

Get over it.


Honestly, I’m at a point where I would welcome them finally dissolving the outdated faction system. All races for both factions, all mounts for both factions, etc. At most, just leave PvP rewards exclusive. Then maybe the constant whining will finally stop.

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Nor really care too for the cost involved (if you are on the other side of the country)

When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.


It’s ok HS isn’t canon so hordes still fine.

Absolutely not. I wanted nothing more than to play a musical instrument when I was a kid. I begged my parents to get me one. BEGGED. They said I’d never practice.

When my brother asked? Immediately bought him a clarinet as a gateway drug for saxophone. He returned it 3 days later. If you think I’m not taking that to my grave, you’re out of your mind.

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Which faction has a statue out front, and which faction was called a homophobic slur by the PAID band at Blizzcon? Who had the robot cat quest?

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Did you actually see the whole thing? He did it in a video they played at BlizzCon, which they screened beforehand and knew what he said but corporate culture in-house at Blizzard blinded them so they showed it. THEN brought him out, introduced him as the “ambassador of the Horde”, and let him rant again, live.

They knew what he said, PR cleared it for the show, and no one thought it was a bad idea. THAT shows you how engrained “FOR THE HORDE!” is inside Blizzard. And they double-downed on it by letting him do it again on stage.

Also he didn’t just insult Alliance, he used a homophobic slur as an insult so he was also insulting any LGBT members of the Horde at the show as well. It is COMPLETELY MIND-BOGGLING how bad (or biased) your PR department has to be to be okay with all of that.

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Dont forget things that matter.

Like the story being Alliance centric combined with Alliance racials being so strong they are the entire reason we are getting earthen dwarves.

How long ago did that happen?

I think I figured it out.

You live in the past and refuse to acknowledge anything that has happened in the last 8 years.

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For this particular event, I gotta agree, the placement of the SW HS event sucks for the Horde.

Don’t even come and bring that **** up here.
I’m still salty about helping the HMT and Nightborne only to have them backstab me and go Horde, while we ended up getting 2 races no one asked for or barely even interacted with, out of nowhere: LED Draenei and Emo Elves.

Also, all of this:

Plus losing Theramore, Southshore and Darnassus.
While the Horde lost a camp in the middle of the freaking nowhere.

IMHO, the Alliance should have wiped the horde back in the end of MoP as Jaina desired.
We’d have avoided a lot of later issues, the entirety of WoD->SL included.

That’s your terrible Orc aesthetic in play and Blizzard’s lack of interest in giving racial Garrison options.

Racials have favored the horde for a long while though, other than EMFH, which rightfully replaced the useless detection humans used to have.

As for story, that I’ll give it to ya, Legion → SL was slightly Alliance heavy, maybe to counter Thrall being the world savior in Cata and Garrosh being the driving force for MoP → WoD.

They seem to have settled for neutrality on DF onwards.


Yes, it’s cool for a multi-billion dollar company to pull such a huge PR blunder that the President later has to make a public apology. Just wait a few years and it negates the entire thing. No big deal, etc. etc.