Blizz showing that Alliance is the favorite child from the HS event

I didnt say it negated it.

I didnt say it was no big deal.

I am saying there is a difference in 2011 and 2024 when it comes to perceived biases.

If you want to claim that 10-15 years ago the devs had a Horde bias. Sure. I get where you are coming from. But if you want to claim that TODAY they do…purely based on what happened 10-15 years ago? No thanks.

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Alliance: constantly gets love n lore, once in a great while loses an important character

Horde: constantly gets its leaders killed off n poorly written, now replaced with a cringe council


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its stupid that they had the one “in Orgrimmar” outside the city and the one in Stormwind inside the city. at least now it supposed to be in all 3 spots at the same time to spread people out

Horde: Gets expansion after expansion dedicated to their story.

Alliance: The only story they get is reacting to the Horde.

Horde: Wins everything.

Alliance: Gets told when we win something we really didn’t, it was a pyrrhic victory and the Horde actually won.

Horde: Leaders who get to do things.

Alliance: Leaders who have their gods betray them so they don’t get a killing blow on a Horde character.

Alliance: Repeatedly have lore characters go neutral to benefit the Horde.

Horde characters: Even when Alliance are helping them retake their capital city, get told by the warchief that he’ll slit their throats at the first sign of anything.

Horde: Warcrimes are forgiven for no reason.

Also Horde: still b*ching about Taurajo.

/discussion indeed


It’s now all irrelevant with the change to all portals spawning simultaneously. Took maybe one day to correct the issue.

It is. The port in Stormwind is inside the city and very well protected. When I did the HS event yesterday it was swarming with alliance players in Durotar. The bias is there you just chose to ignore.

My dude are you missing the last 10 years o lore on purpose? That was one time in Cataclysm everything after that was full alliance only mode.

Then you’re in lopsided shards cuz I haven’t had any problems.

I always knew mommy loved me more.

I’m gonna go do the laundry now.

Guess who’s getting candy next time we go to the store lol

now guess who aint /rasp

childish laughter

for the comedy impaired this post is a joke for fun