Blizz showing that Alliance is the favorite child from the HS event

It was about time we got favoritism tbh

But yeah you’re right, the event should take place in Elwynn, not Stormwind

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no , more like they have favored Horde for so long they knew it was time to show Alliance a bit of love.

Same, I guess not everyone is cross faction curious

Yeah… let’s just forget about Diaper Gnomes and overweight humans or female humans and dwarves for the Horde without a counterpart for the Alliance, 2 neutral Alliance cities, while 0 neutral Horde cities, 2 Alliance zones turned into never ending warzones plus a bunch of other destroyed zones and cities, gryphons for the Horde, but no wyvern for the Alliance etc.

But yeah… how mean of Blizzard to put the portal in Stormwind, because within almost 20 years you didn’t make a single alt on the blue side and are too lazy to spend 10 minutes on creating a new alt now.
Cry me a river.


Which is sad since there’s at least a mount and achievement from BfA as a reward for playing both sides.


I really would like to know their motive behind that decision. It is a very bizarre thing to do.

Just think of it as an equalizer to the Wickerman’s placement for Hallow’s End.

Except the wickerman event is completed with the click of a quest item and usually with hardly any horde around because who sticks around UC anymore. It’s also a yearly event that lasts a couple weeks with returning rewards. This HS anniversary event requires combat time and looting amongst loads of alliance players in a one-time event that will last a week. They’re not comparable.

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Id make a trial character just to plop them there for a week if I didnt have a ton of alts

I’m upset I can’t get the Fiery Hearthsteed unless I log into Hearthstone which I’ve never once played.

I agree.
My once per day blue quest to grab hallow’s end currency from dousing the wickerman and collect enough to purchase limited time items is not NEAR as tedious (travel time included) as a Horde player getting to SW multiple times DAILY.


For those horde players complaining, roll an allied alliance character or get flagged and take a chance on getting wrecked every 3 hrs.

As an Alliance player, I admit that its a very strange discrepancy. There were plenty of spots in Org where this could have been put.

That said? Who cares. This isn’t a big deal. This is trash content at the end of an expansion, and doesn’t affect anything.

Turn warmode off. Problem solved.

I’ve was doing this on my blood elf all yesterday.

I mean, you know we can fly, right? The event isn’t even in an area with guards.


So play it. The tutorial doesn’t take that long. I have it on my phone.

People don’t have WM on. They get flagged in the city and then everyone kills them.


I think the whole Alliance/Horde is the dev’s favourite faction thing is silly, because there’s examples going each way.

The placement of portals is ridiculous though. Very poorly thought out.

Stop looking for conspiracies when something can easily be explained by incompetence.


In lag, the first second is the last second.

They probably just assumed no one would be playing Alliance so you wouldn’t have to worry about PVP in Stormwind. I don’t think they noticed that people have been switching back to Alliance.

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“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”


It is quite obvious a rather unfair positioning & has a tendency to draw some of the worse behaviour, it is a game, although no less a negative manifestation.

Where’s an open space in Orgrimmar or Elwynn Forest for the event instead of Durotar or Stormwind?