Blizz showing that Alliance is the favorite child from the HS event

Allowing HS portals to be in Durator with no risk of being flagged for PvP for Alliance.

Just put portals in Org if they are going to be in Stormwind


i think a little pvp for the amazing items is worth it for the event


No, it’s stupid.

Nothing prevented this from being placed outside the gates of Stormwind.


the developers did

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Because Alliance is their favorite faction.


I guess I have to remind myself that not everyone has made/maintained alts in both factions.


Do you think I care about getting a 36slot bag on a level 10 alt that I will never play again?

That’s the only point of farming it constantly on 1 character.

So remind yourself what it would feel like if Stormwind was in Elywind and Org was actually inside Org.



I wouldn’t personally care. I would certainly like to get the bag on my main (I have on so 2 alts now) but it’s not a make-or-break deal for me.

(But that fact that I don’t care doesn’t mean you shouldn’t; I’m not trying to put down your complaint, just sort of sharing my train-of-thought as I try to see things from your point of view)


It’s hilarious when someone takes this stance given the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Including an ACTUAL Blizzard dev coming out in a book and admitting literally everyone on the WoW team was Horde-biased, himself included. The only person who played Alliance was, ironically enough, Chris Metzen due to the fact that he liked Paladins and they were originally Alliance only.

But hey, I guess you’ve never had the experience of meeting Blizzard employees at BlizzCon and they ask “You’re not Alliance, are you?” And if you say Horde they high-five you.

So you keep believing whatever you want to believe, while the truth is something else entirely. But while you’re moaning about one temporary event, why don’t you look up all the different things that the Alliance have to actually go into flaggable territory while the Horde don’t? Like, oh, multiple holidays every year? It’s literally the reverse of what you’re complaining about here. You get the nice, easy, objective outside the SW gates. While we have to go through and hit the middle of Org.


And when was this…

If this wasn’t 100/100 devs you met in Blizzcon 2023, then you’re being bias and wrong.

The event clearly shows Alliance is the favorite child. Listen to Alliance complaints about M+ and grouping before they allowed cross faction grouping. Blizzard caved to Alliance tears.

I’m going to guess most people who have played the game haven’t…


Jonathan Staats. Look him up. He was a core dev. You’ve run content he designed. He literally wrote a book about his career at Blizzard. I always said if a Blizzard dev came out and admitted they were Horde-biased that Horde players would still try to claim they were Alliance-biased. And I was right.


this is such a weird thing to be worried about but i hope it gets better

So you’re saying all his (and every other developer in the same time era) work for WoW development for 10 years… prior to Titan…influences the changes to benefit Alliance today?

Because he was moved to Titan, which was a 7 year development cycle before Overwatch launched in 2016.

So he was moved off WoW in Late 2000s.

And you saying your PhD thesis is correct of Horde being favorite is based off of Pre-2010 WoW. Horde had better PvP racials until WOTLK. That is not the case in the current game.

Alliance racials are far superior (how many people have rerolled dwarf/iron dwarf/NE for their combat mechanics - much more than rerolling to horde). Alliance tears made cross-faction grouping and guilding possible.

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This topic would have been a whole different story had we left out the Horde vs Alliance favoritism nonsense.

Is it stupid to not have it in Elwynn? Yes.

Let’s not muddy the waters of the actual event problems with drama.


This just in: Horde player #462,351 trying to disprove a dev’s statement by claiming corporate culture changes on a daily basis and isn’t ingrained and entrenched, despite the fact that that’s exactly what happens at every corporation with no exceptions and has long been a source of issues.

Keep banging that “Blizzard is Alliance-biased” drum. It’s hilarious to anyone who understands objective fact versus subjective feelings.


You’re a walking megaphone of hypocrisy and irony.

Everything you have said is subjective. Go yell at the clouds some more.

I am not certain you understand objective fact.

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Omg, who the hell cares???

Just strap up your big boy horde pants and fly to the sw docks and be in a safe distance and tag the mob at the the last second.