Blizz showing that Alliance is the favorite child from the HS event

Pot meet kettle.

Next time, add feedback without the favoritism hysterics.


And Horde have a flight point to Gilneas while Alliance don’t, and Horde can walk around Gilneas and Bel’Ameth with no risk of being flagged.

I think you’ll survive having an Alliance Hearthstone portal in Durotar.


I think the Alliance portal should have been placed near Goldshire.


Poor baby hordeling. Just ignore the two Alliance cities you can freely come and go in right now but booo hooo I have a small chance of getting pvped. Alliance favoritism clearly.


Fact: Blizzard dev admits the entire team is Horde-biased.

Horde player: “Nu uh!”

What was that about not understanding objective facts again? But thanks for proving my assertion right again.

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Are you saying that despite the intense turn over.

The long date since this was stated.

And all of the actions in game for the last 8 years

That the notion still applies? And if so, why? Do you have any evidence this Horde bias is still happening?

I would like you to point out how what you claim is still taking place.

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Do I need to break out the Wonka “You lose, right there in black and white, clear as crystal!” meme on you?

The word of a person who worked at the company developing the game you’re playing> Your feelings.


Can you show a dev thats worked there in the last decade stating this?

He made those words so long ago, that the words are getting ready to enroll in college.

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Yes the Alliance totally are the favs
don’t tell them Horde can get four kills at a time when boss spawns
if you don’t know when boss dies loot quick run over to Org turn on Warmode go back kill again. Then switch to character in Chromie time kill again then fly over to Org turn on Warmode with Chromie time kill fourth time.

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Being a Horde main myself and a strong antagonist to the Alliance I fully agree with ya. Alliance favoritism threads is just attention seeking and trolling at its finest. Some Horde players needa chill and learn how to bash some humie skulls in while offering the blood to the blood god.

As long as we ignore everything since Legion.


The problem isn’t that the SW portal isn’t in Elwynn, it’s that the Org portal isn’t in Org, despite being called the Org portal. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

Devs tend not to say embarrassing things while they’re still working at said company. It tends to end badly. There are examples of this happening at Blizzard.

If you want to ignore Staats though, it’s always the same thing. The claim of Alliance favoritism is always based on something small and usually insignificant. While all the favoritism shown to the Horde across the entire game is either ignored or downplayed as something “we deserve” because Blizzard is always easyon the Alliance and never throws the Horde a bone.

I’ll repeat what I said earlier. This is one temporary event where there’s a slight advantage for Alliance on one spawn location. As Horde you can sweep right in, get a hit on the boss, and if you happen to be killed you can sit there watching the fight until the boss goes down and then release and run back and loot. Boo hoo.

Meanwhile there are multiple holidays that are annual where the Horde have the advantage and don’t have to contend with PVP whatsoever, while Alliance are forced to run into capital cities to do the same objectives. So in other words, cry more about a single one time event.


Pretty sure the only 2 things ever happening to alliance that urked me as unfair was void elves being on alliance (a race that shouldn’t exist at all) because it caused blood elves to no longer be unique or original. And the bee mount in bfa. How could they give a super cute mount to the alliance and not let horde get it?!

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Thank you for confirming you have no leg to stand on, other than what? An interview from 15 years ago?

I am not crying about this single time event at all.

I am just pointing out racials, expansion story, everything else has been strongly Alliance based for a long time.

But you cling to that 15+ year old interview like its a buoy in the storm. Because if you had any actual “facts” you would shut us all down. But you dont.

Just your subjective feelings.


A book released 5 years ago =/= 15 years ago. So gg on misrepresenting the facts to suit your narrative.

I expected no less from you though. Literally nothing anyone can say will ever convince people like you that Blizzard doesn’t favor the Alliance. I’ve been in these conversations where I’ve listed off paragraphs of evidence and it’s always dismissed just like you did here. Literally nothing is accepted, everything is disregarded or excused with lame reasons. It’s one reason why I don’t get into these debates often anymore because there’s literally no point. You will never, ever, acknowledge anything but your own headcanon.

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Because even Blizz knows when they s*** the bed.

Giving it to the Horde after 3 re-coloured Horse mounts and 3 re-coloured Gryphon mounts would have been the equivalent of pounding back a case of laxative and continuing to s*** the bed after what they gave the Horde for their faction rep mounts.

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as someone who likes to “stick it to the alliance” and “For the horde!!!” that was hilariously funny. Quite enjoyed the massive back lash and upset alliance players. But yeah that was pretty brutal and unfair to the Alliance.

Theres no faction bias either way.
Every time one faction gets something nice come their way, people from the other faction call it bias.
When both sides think the other faction gets treated better, then neither side is.


You can tell Blizzard is Alliance biased based on how the Race for World First guilds are all Alliance and how the Alliance Hall of fame fills up long before the Horde one
 oh wait

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