Blizz ruined m+

Thanks for the response. All opinions, which can differ from other people obviously. M+ is awesome and doing well.

I disagree.

I think that Blizzard listens only to certain players, the ones whining and crying whenever anyone else gets anything without dealing with 5 or 6 raid mechanics at once. They listen to mythic raiders, and streamers that can either do mythic raid, or have 2400 seasons

Then hereā€™s a question. If they increased loot drops, would you quit? If not, it is in their best interest to increase the loot drop rate, because your opinion will not see you quitting, while others who feel the game is unrewarding will quit because of it.


3 items per raid boss btw. M+ is still better for gearing by far, enjoy your 1 item average per full clear.

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Would I quit? Nope. Do I prefer it the way it is now? Yes.

So I would prefer the current system. Good on Blizz for doing it.

There are downsides to placating the whiners at every step. Let them leave so the game can have some decent direction.

you guys whine way more than anyone else

and about something that doesnā€™t even involve youā€¦ what another player getsā€¦

Immediately, what happened when justice and valor came outā€¦ you guys instantly referred to it as ā€œwelfare epicsā€ Anything that helps out other players, you guys pounce on and complain. You guys are the biggest babies in the game!

OMG mommy Blizzard, he got that purpelz!!!


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But see, blizzard is a business. They exist to make money. This direction will lose them money. So I guess weā€™ll see what happens as the expac goes on. In bfa when they lost money they changed things in the next patch to hopefully get people back. I predict weā€™ll see that as 9.1 and 9.2 release. Higher drop rates and probably the ripcord made and pulled.

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Not who you asked, but if loot starting raining again like BfA I would, in fact, quit. Not permanently (assuming they changed it again), but I find that the exact opposite of engaging. When I am not engaged with WoW, I play other games.

Who is this ā€œyou guysā€ you keep referring to? I havenā€™t such blanketed generalized statements like this in some time. Pretty hilarious.

Clearly the only solution is to delete LFR.

Ah another entitlement issues thread, how lovely, if only there was a way Mods could group all these, and put them into one big salt mine.

I love the new system, because the last couple expansions, gear was just falling from the sky, and the addition of a timer, oh, so so good! Makes me feel like there is a sense of accomplishment to be had, instead of the game holding my hand and stuffing my pockets with loot.

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That would require actual game development. Slapping a timer on it and boosting the hp and damage of the mobs was the more easier approach.

I personally think systems like M+ are tearing community apart.


But what did loot rain from? Imo the problem was emissaries giving normal raid quality loot and other trivial content giving heroic raid quality loot.

The other problem is when itā€™s completely rng as it is, there is a need for a higher drop rate because the chance of getting loot, much less loot you can use, is pretty low. If they brought back master loot for raids, and/or reforging it wouldnā€™t be as big of an issue, but neither of those are currently in the game.

Going to have to disagree with you. Prior I could run particular dungeons for an item and had a higher chance to drop along with my bonus roll.

Now my chances are reduced from dungeons of targeting an item. Weā€™re at the mercy of the vault, but that pool of items is 60+ for most classes. This makes it unrealistic to target gear.

Ok, just for a thought exercise:

How would you keep the challenge of M+ without the timer. What would prevent people from doing the highest level key for the highest level loot or is the whole premise ā€œI spent 4 hours doing something so I deserve the best thingā€ Even if that thing is killing things one mob at a time, and saving hero for bosses (un-cc-able stuff?

I agree with ML and and I would re-add some sort of badge/justice/valor system to mitigate extreme runs of bad luck.

That said, if my choice is between progressing through difficulties of content rather than skipping stepsā€¦ Iā€™ll go with exactly what we have now vs what we had before.

if it is such an ā€œentitlementā€ thread then why is it the likes just keep going up, and up? was 20 last time i looked (less than 5 minutes later) now 27


People like you are ā€œentitledā€ too!! It should drop less loot, I am entitled not to deal with ā€œbadsā€ getting into my raid. ā€œJust get them out of ā€œMYā€ game, and make them quit. and, I donā€™t care if you lost 900 Million in subscriptions over the last 5 years, Iā€™m entitled to you making the game just for me!ā€

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Itā€™s not always about not having bads in someoneā€™s raid. I am super duper casual and I prefer this system because it is enjoyable for me to me. It has nothing to do with anyone else.

And no, I am not saying it has to be designed for me. Just pointing out itā€™s not just the raiders keepinā€™ you down. Some casuals didnā€™t like the way it was before either.

I feel like my post from almost exactly 2 years ago is still relevant to this day:

At least they listened to the loot part of it! :slight_smile:

It may be an annoying system, but WOW was at itā€™s most popular when you really had to grind for gear. M+ has also been out 1 week, and everyones ready to head to Blizz headquarters with their pitchforks. Give it a little time before freaking out. But if weā€™re being real, was it really better before being guaranteed 3 pcs of gear every time? For you maybe, but itā€™s also what led to 75% of trade chat being carries. Without the insane amount of carries, it forces you to decide, ā€œhow bad do I want this gearā€. I bet the guys gettin carried before donā€™t want it that bad, which probly makes the pool of mythic players higher overall quality.
I should feel bad for everyone, but as someone who mainly enjoys PVP, Iā€™ve had to slog thru multiple xpacs in a row being forced to PVE just so I can eventually be geared enough for PVP. Now the tables have turned and people are pvpā€™ing to get geared for mythics.