Blizz ruined m+

So then don’t do m+ then?

They will nerf it… but only after the whiny raiders get their way

They should have just limited them to M8 and made them suffer with the rest of us!

They don’t have to nerf it, because it is on a sliding scale.

The M+ dungeons have numbers beside them, the higher the number, the harder the content. If you can’t handle a +8, do lower dungeons.

You don’t need to pray for Blizz to nerf everything to the ground so there is no challenging content yet. That is quite pathetic.

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That’s what they want. Hard CC 3 mobs and kill the whole place 1 mob at a time to get Mythic raid loot. Because that’s how it’s really difficult, like back in TBC.

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Heroics in TBC were pretty tough for a while, there…


This change is for the better. These posts emphasize the problem blizzard created by handling out loot so easily. Now the OP and people like him are having withdrawals. This instant gratification is toxic.

Between this and the titanforge changes, blizz is on the right track.


im not praying, its just how it works

They make it super difficult at first to appease the hardcore players, but then silently nerf it. It would not suprise me if they have already applied nerfs to mythic mechanics already.

Fact is you needed someone who was ready for raid lead and good communication to do any mythic, including 0. In a week or two when raid teams are all doing m20+ then they will back off

They hide these changes from the whiny raiders, because they always get upset when loot is rewarded to anyone who didn’t put in their blood sweat and tears.

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If you think you need an experienced raid leader to get through an M0, I am sorry to say, but you are wrong.

That is pretty telling about your experience and skill level though, honestly, because you are so far off, it is almost unbelievable. Hopefully this is a troll thread and I’ve just taken the bait.


Man, you couldn’t be more insufferable and whiny if you tried.

Wow…I hope you’re an angsty 14 year old.

It is though. You still get rewards for completion. The only difference is you don’t get a higher key to do.

Yea…this attitude is why subs are nothing compared to what they once were. This attitude is killing the game. Wanting a better, more fun, rewarding game is beneficial to all.


no its fine…
they can do this, they did it before with Warlords, they pissed off a bunch of players to appease people whining about others “the expansion is too easy with flying” The massive jerk who had to implement flying in Draenor, which he didn’t support then made the requirements so high most players would not be able to get flying. 5 years ago… comes up to $900.00 in lost subscriptions, if you consider MILLIONS (thats more than one) left at this time, you multiply just 1 Million X $900.00… thats 900 Million in lost revenue, just to make people like you happy… It’s really stupid


You are acting like the game is failing. It isn’t. It is thriving. SL will be a success and the next expansion will be as well.

If you don’t feel it is worth your money, quit.

Or keep paying Blizzard for the privilege to access their forums to complain about it.

Also, you having an opinion on something doesn’t mean everyone else will agree with you. And Blizz certainly doesn’t. So stop giving them your money, or keep giving them your money. It really is that simple.

Many of us are fine with the way M+ is running. No concerns at all. We actually enjoy playing the game, you know, actually pressing the buttons.

We will quit, came back right? Yes we will quit and ION will be the fault because he listened to you again.

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People like me?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Again, you quitting has ZERO effect on WoW. This expansion will continue on, the people who like the game will continue on, and Blizz will continue on with the next expansion, which people will play.

This isn’t complicated stuff. Sorry you can’t get invites into dungeons.

Careful, you are challenging the status quo. You have been warned! Prepare for the M+ apologists to rip you a new one.

it seems as though the OP is really getting a lot of love. I am so so sorry you are wrong. Get over it and maybe if you get some help you can do more than a M3 kiddie?


Only because it is less than a month into the expac.

Maybe, maybe not. We honestly have no way of knowing.

I will if I do. I would never do otherwise, so I don’t know what you’re trying to say. In WoD I was unsubbed within the first 6 months, we’ll see if shadowlands is better or worse.

Nope, but I can make a pretty safe bet that the majority of people want to be rewarded for content, not get nothing for a lot of effort.

And this is the main problem. Blizzard has been making horrible calls for years. The main one being how they handled flight, followed by the systems and content cutting in WoD, the legendary acquisition in legion, and the systems in bfa. Now it is followed by making content unrewarding in shadowlands, along with gameplay tied to rp.

Blizzards biggest problem is they don’t listen to feedback. Their players know this game and the community way better than blizzard does. Blizzard just won’t admit to it.

M+ is great, and nothing is wrong with it, DONT MESS UP THE ONLY SYSTEM I ENJOY IN WOW, go play other game dude stop whinning, hopefully they dont listen to any of you.


Nope I’m good. Keep crying about a game you are paying to play, though.

:joy: :joy: :joy: