Agreed. That low hanging fruit is way to juicy for blizzard to pass up.
The servers themselves are copied in my statement, not characters. If you meant full server copies, I agree 100%. Thus creating two platforms, a ‘Classic Vanilla Benediction’ server and an exact snapshot as is as a ‘Classic TBC Benediction’ server on the day TBC drops. All toons, AH, server ranks, status, the works.
If you meant each player copies their character over, that presents a host of issues.
It’s a survey about how they want to launch it, not if they want to launch it. It’s definitely coming.
Name checks out.
I don’t think they should let us keep our current characters from classic to go into tbh. Unless it just a copy over of gear and nothing else then that to me is fine.
Imo what is the point in making tbc servers if you just going to let every player start with 50k+ gold from dungeon mage farming in classic. Just seems like there is no point in epic flying when everyone at level 70 has it.
A copy of only gear would be welcomed to me anything else just boosting the game to a point it doesn’t need to be. People going to have that stuff fast enough anyway so why do we need 50k gold plus start.
What @Ironmatt said.
Whatever they do forcing people into TBC will piss alot of people off. Even if the majority wants it there will be some that will feel robbed of a classic experience that they never had time for in their busy workweek/family lives.
Over 100 million WoW accounts have been created as of 2014, so I don’t understand some people’s argument that creating Classic TBC servers would “split” the playerbase. That’s the same argument Retail players used against the idea of Classic servers to begin with (Wall of No, etc).
You don’t need millions of people playing on a few servers in order for them to be successful. It’s almost as if people have their favorite expansion/version of the game or something. lol
That works for me
TBC and Wotlk are welcome … ppl like me waiting a long time to play this expansions
Hard pass. I just don’t understand the appeal of fresh servers. Do you really wanna relevel for the 50th time?
Do one better than pics! Check this out:
A lot of people prefer TBC or Wrath but knew Classic was the first logical step. It only makes sense that they are vocal about it. Why are you triggered that people are excited about their favorite version of WoW?
I don’t know what it is about people thinking fresh starts from level 1 is the best way. But it’s their opinion I guess. You guys can have your fresh ones while the rest of us can jump into hellfire with our current classic characters.
I’m convinced they are classic wow die-hard fans who want to create as many obstacles as possible. They are terrified of losing half the player base to TBC.
Dont really care how it happens, just as long as its released sooner than later.
Classic community isn’t a monolith though. I enjoy classic but I only supported it for the chance at TBC. Many of the players are like me.
If I had to guess, the survey was probably intended to be on the DL for a bit
I supported Classic because I wanted to experience the game the way it was before any expansions (I first started playing back in TBC). I want to continue supporting Classic and continue to play it (as much as I would play the hell out of TBC/WotLK servers). Blizzard was very well aware of the fact that Classic would remain unchanged through the years and wanted to protect their IP and deal with the private Vanilla servers. They are going to let the Classic servers run indefinitely.
I agree with you, classic servers will run indefinitely and they should. We should be able to replay any era of wow at our leisure EQ style
Damn, I’m out of likes for today. But here’s a +1 for your post.